Caixin Buzzword | Environmental Carrying Capacity 环境容量

Caixin Buzzword | Environmental Carrying Capacity 环境容量

2015-01-14    00'52''

主播: 财新金融英语

320 23

Environmental carrying capacity is a scientific measure for understanding how much pollution the air, water and ground can accommodate. It indicates a bottom line for emissions and is an important reference for setting policy. The concept requires scientists to measure the cumulative impact of all human activity on the environment within a certain area. Experts say these studies are central to promoting sustainable development. In China, such research covering water started in the 1980s, and in 2003 the central government ordered local authorities to conduct assessments on water and air. No official data has been released, and experts say little was accomplished. Despite this, the phrase appears often in government documents as the country takes up the fight against pollution. 所谓环境容量,是指在不超过依法确定的环境质量目标值的情况下,环境最大可以承受或容许排放的污染物的量。换个说法,环境容量是环境能够承载污染物的上限,不可逾越的红线,亦是制定各项环境政策的根本数据。上世纪80年代初,中国环境学界就开始了对水体环境污染容量的相关研究,上世纪90年代,一些地区也尝试性地开展了大气、地表水的环境容量研究。2003年,环保部前身国家环保总局曾下文要求各地核定环境容量数据,并出台了一系列技术规范和指导。然而,这个动员全国的普查项目几年之后却不了了之。虽然至今尚未有官方的关于环境容量的数据公布,但这个术语在公开官方文件中随处可见。例如,《2013年北京市环境状况公报》中提及,2013年,该市的排污总量有所下降,但仍“大幅超出环境容量”。 In the News In early August, Chongqing Liangjiang Voluntary Service Center asked 31 local governments across the country for information about environmental carrying capacity in their areas. Over the following month, the non-governmental organization heard back from most governments, but none answered its question.
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