

2015-01-16    01'21''

主播: 财新金融英语

328 18

In today’s podcast, ride-hailing apps continue to hit speed bumps on growth with major cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Shenyang banning their use. Taxi drivers in several cities across China charged into a battle against ride-hailing apps by taking to the streets early January, leading to some of the country’s largest cities issuing a ban. The protests were spawned by complaints that the premium car-hire apps cut into their already paltry income, which is set at an artificially low rate by city regulators. In one such strike, state media reported thousands of drivers in the northeastern city of Shenyang shutting off their engines on January 4. Authorities in several cities then moved to place bans on Yidao Yongche, Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache. Between 2004 and 2009, there were more than 100 cab driver walkouts around the country, according to the most recent official information. Among the 50 cities in which car-hire apps have had a presence, it remains unclear how many local governments in total have issued a ban. Companies have come forward in response to the regulatory clampdowns by saying the firms are suffering a retaliatory response from state-owned taxi companies. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 新年伊始,打车软件的“专车”红包促销再掀热潮,与此同时,南京、上海、沈阳、北京等地交管部门相继颁出禁令,“专车”服务陷入争议。 尽管2014年11月,交通运输部刚释放乐观信号,“‘专车’业务不要一棍子打死”,11月底和12月,南京、上海交管部门就相继表态,查处部分涉嫌非法营运的“专车”。2015年1月4日,辽宁省沈阳市数千台出租车集体罢运,多家媒体报道显示,罢运与出租车公司对打车软件及“专车”服务的竞争不满有关。 面对各地禁令,“专车”运营者态度不一,易到用车CEO周航对财新记者表示愤懑与无奈,直指其背后的利益斗争和制度顽疾。他说专车服务受到查禁的部分原因在于触动了“出租车公司老板收取份子钱”的利益。 快的打车公关总监叶耘也对财新记者表示:“我们心态还好,打车软件已经历过政策上的一些阻力,交管部门需要时间了解市场需求,我们对城市交通资源优化和效率提高是有利的,一定会获得支持。”