

2015-01-28    02'13''

主播: 财新金融英语

266 16

After nine years of debate, a draft of a plan to improve China's standards for controlling land pollution was released by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on January 14. The standards, which have been released so the public can comment, would add more chemicals to the list of those monitored and put stricter requirement on pollutant levels, especially for farmland. Land pollution has become one of the public's top concerns, but plans to update national soil quality standards have run into obstacles. The current standards base the maximum levels of major kinds of pollutants on the land's designated purpose and include a mechanism for monitoring pollution. Environmental experts have long complained that the standards, which took effect in 1996, are outdated. A land pollution survey, released in April 2014 after eight years work, indicated that 16.1 percent of the country's land contains excessive levels of pollutants. Nearly one-fifth of tested farmland was found to be heavily polluted. Over the past several years, Chinese environmental experts have established updated national standards for water and air quality as the pollution situation worsens. An introduction to the new document listing the proposed new standards says the changes are intended to address "the new challenges and problems in China's soil situation." The new version evolved from 1997 standards on soil quality into standards for farmland, and adds a separate section for land designated for construction. The 1996 national standards list only 10 categories of contamination. The new version adds more than 10 new categories, such as manganese and cobalt. The proposal also includes improvements in pollution-monitoring requirements, asking local authorities to take measures to prevent pollutant levels from rising, rather than simply meeting a standard. These requirements reflect the central government’s desire to improve the soil quality of farmland in order to better ensure the safety of agricultural products. For Caixin Online, this is Patrick Williams. 《土壤环境质量标准》进入修订程序至今已有九年,其间博弈激烈。千呼万唤始出来,曙光已现。2015年1月14日,环保部公布了《土壤环境质量标准》修订草案的征求意见稿(下称土标修订草案),并向社会公开征求意见。 目前执行的《土壤环境质量标准》为国家标准,按土壤应用功能、保护目标和土壤主要性质,规定了土壤中污染物的最高允许浓度指标值及相应的监测方法。此次修订将土壤污染的防治重点指向农业用地。 原标准中土壤污染物仅包括八个无机污染物和两个有机污染物。此次修订草案顺应土壤污染形势,增加了总锰、总钴等十种土壤污染物选测项目。 中国的土壤污染严峻状况刚被揭开一角。2014年4月,历时八年的土壤污染状况调查公报发布,依照现有土壤标准,全国土壤总的点位超标率为16.1%,耕地点位超标率为19.4%。可以预计,此次土壤标准大修之后,更多的污染物项目、更严格的污染物限值可能将上述数字进一步推高,进一步向国人展示土地之伤。 现行中国《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618-1995)于1995年发布,于1996年3月开始实施。国家对土壤标准的修订工作早在2006年已经启动,该征求意见稿的编制说明中称,修订的原因是“我国土壤环境形势的新变化、新问题和新要求”。 事实上,现行土壤环境质量标准执行的近20年,也正是中国环境问题不断凸显的时期,土壤污染带来的食品安全问题和健康问题频频出现,也在不断拷问环境管理部门。在实际的工作中,现行标准出现了适用范围小、污染物项目少、指标限值需要完善等问题。 因此,在修订工作思路上,修订版继续以农用地土壤环境质量评价为主,与建设用地土壤环境风险评估标准共同构成土壤环境质量评价标准体系;不再规定全国统一的土壤环境自然背景值。
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