

2015-02-13    01'54''

主播: 财新金融英语

357 17

The Chinese Ministry of Transport has recently issued a circular, setting standards for cargo ships with a capacity of 400,000 tons, according to a source close to the matter. This has prompted speculation that the government will allow large ships operated by Vale SA, the Brazilian iron ore heavyweight, to dock in Chinese ports. The circular, which has not been publicly released, has set the new standards in order to meet demand for larger vessels. The new standards specifically set a ship’s maximum length at 362 meters, width at 65.6 meters, and height at 30.5 meters, with a capped cargo capacity at 403,844 tons. These dimensions are almost identical to those of Vale’s larger cargo ships, says a source with knowledge of the matter. In addition to the new standards, the ministry will relax restrictions on port capacity, and will choose ports that can host the vessels, according to a researcher from the Shanghai International Shipping Institute. In recent years, Vale has pressed for government approval to unload iron ore directly at Chinese ports, igniting resistance from domestic shipping companies like China Ocean Shipping (Group) Co. In December 2011, one large Vale ship with a capacity of 388,000 tons docked in the northeastern port of Dalian, but was forced leave after complaints from domestic shippers. After a January 2012 prohibition on Vale’s large ships entering China, which was later resolved through negotiations, the company turned to Chinese operators to ship its iron ore products. The new standards represent a long-awaited relief for Vale, but it remains to be seen whether the company will see calmer seas in its exports to China. For Caixin Online, this is Nick Horton. 世界三大铁矿石厂商之一的淡水河谷一直想让自己的40万吨大船能够直接在中国的港口靠岸,多年来受到中远等中国航运企业的反对而未能成行。官方的理由是:中国的港口没有停靠40万吨以上大船的能力,因此按照相关规定,40万吨以上的大船不能直接停靠。但自从去年以来,情况开始出现松动的迹象。 这则新发布的《关于发布40万吨散货船设计船型尺度及相关设计规定的公告》称,“为适应散货船舶大型化的发展趋势,规范大型散货码头设计工作”,交通运输部组织有关单位在现行《海港总体设计规范》(JTS165-2013)的基础上,编写完成了40万吨散货船设计船型尺度及相关设计规定。 公告同时表示,新的“40万吨散货船型尺度规定”与《海港总体设计规范》具有同等效力。40万吨散货码头设计除执行 “40万吨散货船型尺度规定”外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。 财新记者查阅新规后发现,其规定的40万吨级散货船尺度为:总长362米,型宽65.6米, 型深30.5米,满载吃水 23米,载重吨上限为403844吨,几乎就是按淡水河谷的40万吨级矿砂船的设计型号量身定制。 上海国际航运研究中心一位港口研究员向财新记者表示,新规的发布为交通运输部下一步放开《沿海码头靠泊能力管理规定》进行了技术准备和铺垫。接下来,交通运输部极很可能以新规中的标准为依据,对现有及建设中的港口进行核定,以确定哪些港口能符合40万吨散货船的靠泊条件,最终允许大船进入中国。