

2015-03-30    01'22''

主播: 财新金融英语

647 17

A sweeping cancellation of forged housing permit or “hukou” documents was announced by the Ministry of Public Security on March 25, in a crackdown on continued abuses in the population registration system. In 2013, the criminal trial of Gong Aiai, a former vice-president of a rural bank, revealed the use of fake hukou papers for dozens of properties in Beijing. The case brought to light the relative ease with which a counterfeit identification and multiple IDs can be acquired. Public security ministry vice director Huang Ming said that in the recent campaign, officials used facial recognition technology to filter hukou identification documents in 30 provinces, regions and municipalities. The technology pulled up some 587,000 faked hukou. In all, the Ministry of Public Security cancelled 1.44 million forged hukou papers. In the Gong Aiai case, three fake hukou were obtained through bribing police officers. Using the separate identities, Gong was able to circumvent housing regulations and purchased 21 properties valued in total at 1 billion yuan. She was eventually sentenced to three years in prison for forgery and illegal trade in government documents. The Ministry of Public Security said over 200 police officers have been prosecuted for abusing their power in hukou-related cases. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 所谓“重户”,就是备受公众关注的“一人多户”现象。黄明在3月25日由公安部召开的“深入推进户口登记管理清理整顿工作第三次电视电话会议”上介绍,通过在30个省份建成的人像比对技术而发现、清理的重复户口为58.7万个,占总数的40.85%。据此计算,公安部已清理的“重户”总数,应已达到143.7万个左右。 被网民冠以“房姐”称号的龚爱爱,现年49岁,为陕西省神木县农村商业银行副行长、榆林市人大代表。2013年1月17日开始,有网帖称龚爱爱在北京拥有20多套房产,折合人民币近10亿元,并称她还拥有另一个名为“龚仙霞”的身份,随即引发舆论关注。 2013年`1月22日,《京华时报》报道称,除此前被曝光的两个户口,龚爱爱还有两个户口,分别在北京市朝阳区奥运村派出所和陕西省神木县大柳塔派出所,户名均为龚爱爱。自此,龚的“多户口”现象开始取代其房产数量成为新的舆论热点。官方也迅速作出反应,对涉案户籍工作人员进行处理。 黄明表示,形成户口登记管理“错、重、假”问题的原因复杂:既有长期手工操作、分散管理所造成的历史原因;又有受人情社会、特权思想影响而滋生的社会因素;还有受到利益驱动、内外勾结所导致的不法行为。自去年以来,公安部已依法依纪处理涉案民警176人、辅助警务人员57人。 黄明在前述电话会议上要求,力争至2016年底,要做到全国每位公民只有一个户口、一个公民身份号码,实现全国户口和公民身份号码“唯一性”的目标。