

2015-04-02    01'13''

主播: 财新金融英语

809 23

Digitally altered, self-portrait photos from a new service by WeChat and China Telecom will no longer be accepted as a form of government identification by police in southern China. A service called Xingfu on the WeChat messaging app, which is linked to a digital photo center operated by China Telecom, lets users upload and modify a self-portrait photo now commonly known as the "selfie." The service, designed by Guangzhou-based Xingfu Network Technology Co., uploads the photos to China Telecom&`&s photo center which then sends the photos to local police bureaus that process official documents. The service is offered for 12 kinds of official documents ranging from residency permits to passports. Only two days after its launch on March 25, the Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Foshan police departments moved to ban the use of digital photos transferred by the Xingfu service. Xingfu has announced it will suspend the service until it can upgrade the service in accordance with police rules and guarantee the physical resemblance of an individual&`&s identity. According to one Xingfu employee, the service can still be used on certain official documents. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 3月27日,上线仅三天的微信城市服务“幸福证照”功能,因广东公安表态称不予认可而暂停服务。 这一功能允许用户自拍证件照,通过微信平台提供的入口上传后,用于身份证制证、换证等领域。“幸福证照”是广州市幸福网络技术有限公司开发的互联网创业项目,嵌入微信平台进行运营。 “幸福证照”于3月25日在微信城市服务栏目上线试运行,宣称广州、深圳、佛山三地居民,足不出户即可轻松拍摄证件照。其范围包括了身份证在内12种照片,照片上传获得回执即视为办理成功。最吸引人的地方,如宣传口号所述:客户可以对证件照进行“美颜”。 普通人常因证件照“颜值”而焦虑,“幸福证照”服务轰动一时。这一功能同时也标志着微信平台在生态建设上又前进了一步。广东本地新闻媒体随后对微信“幸福证照”功能进行了密集报道。然而,广州市、深圳市和广东省警方相继表态称,“公安机关没有委托任何单位和个人通过手机微信自拍方式采集居民身份证和居住证相片。”广东省公安厅还建议,“市民前往照相馆拍摄证件照”。 “幸福证照”迅即暂停拍照服务。作为服务提供商,广州市幸福网络技术有限公司发布公告称:“我们发现了自身的不足,如:证照拍摄指引不够清晰、客户沟通准备不够充分。本着严谨负责的态度,继续加大技术研发力度,确保证照拍摄的真实性和严肃性,严格符合公安办证机关的要求” 。 对于上线3天中已经取得回执的照片,“幸福证照”表示:理论上来说,官方是认可这些照片的。“幸福证照”客服人员称,照片已经通过采集中心认证,可以办证。