

2015-04-01    01'22''

主播: 财新金融英语

674 32

Stocks on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges opened higher on March 31, with strong showings from property companies. The gains came after a central government announcement to revise housing sector policies to lower down payments for second homes and loosen a capital gains tax period for apartment sales. On March 30, the People&`&s Bank of China, the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said buyers of a second home will pay down payments of 40 percent of a home&`&s price. The same day, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation announced that sellers who have owned homes for two years or more will be exempt from paying a 20 percent capital gains tax. Previously, the policy was set at five years. The housing ministry and the Ministry of Land and Resources has also advised local governments to let developers determine the number of large homes to build to meet demand. Lu Zhengwei, chief economist at Industrial Bank, said the central government has issued the policies to alleviate falling demand in the housing market. He added a ban on purchases of third homes might also be lifted in large cities. In 2010, municipal governments rolled out a series of tightening measures over the housing market. Several cities lifted the ban, but so far, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have maintained the rules. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 3月30日,央行、住建部、银监会出台楼市新政,二套房贷最低首付比例降至四成。同一天,财政部明确个人将购买2年以上(含2年)的普通住房对外销售的,免征营业税。 就在三天前,3月27日,国土资源部、住建部从土地出让与住宅建设的层面发布了指导性文件,悄然废除了施行9年的抑制住房过热需求的“7090”政策。彼时市场人士认为,这是本轮房地产放松新政的“第一枪”,为央行后续调整首付及二套房贷款政策铺路。 中原地产集团研究中心认为,继去年“930新政”大幅放松首套房贷政策,并对首套房标准明显放宽之后,此次再度放松二套房贷政策,信贷对住房市场尤其是改善性需求的支撑力度不断加大。回顾过去十年,住房信贷政策仅在2006年及2008年末出现过放松。而此次时隔六年,再度对政策作出调整,中央政府对“稳 定住房消费”的政策导向鲜明。事实上,近期商业银行对二套房贷放松的案例已经在部分城市出现。 兴业银行首席经济学家鲁政委表示,这代表房地产调控政策重回理性调控正轨,预计未来还会解除部分地区限购和解决房地产税的公平税负问题。 中金公司研报称,或将拉动二手房销售额增加0%-5%;营业税减免将影响市场交易中约20%的二手房屋,其有效房价将下降5%-6%;中金继续看多地产股表现。大盘或在地产带动下向好可期。 中金公司认为,后续地产成交量的走势成为关键。政策明确以后,地产成交能否复苏继而投资和新开工能否有所恢复,成为值得关注的趋势。 海通证券3月31日发布房产新政点评报告称,房贷新政降临,提振短期需求:08年以来,地产需求由盛转衰多伴随先政策打压需求而后政策放松迎来需求反弹。本次房贷新政实施后,地产销量虽有望短期回升,但持续性仍存疑。而14年3月起全国房价开始下跌,目前尚未止跌,房地产的财富效应尚不明显。 平安证券发布的策略研报点评房产新政称,地产政策自去年以来持续松绑,本次政策宽松力度超出预期。从政策宽松向基本面的传导效应看,房地产投资大周期难以改变,但可以预期中短期销量的改善,房地产投资在大幅调整后也无需悲观。