

2015-04-15    01'18''

主播: 财新金融英语

309 22

A large crop failure affecting rice fields in Bengbu in Anhui Province has spurred a Shenzhen-listed company to halt sales of its seed strain. The losses were due to a fungal disease called rice blast, which commonly affects the staple food crop. On April 9, Southern Weekend reported that rice farmers planted nearly 700 hectares of a rice strain called Liangyou 0293 in 2014 and saw zero yields in some areas. Four days later, the rice strain's maker Yuan Longping High-tech Agriculture Co. said it would stop the sales of the seed strain and also speak to rice farmers, wholesalers and regulators to address the losses. The company is named after Yuan Longping, a famous agricultural researcher known for his work in developing super hybrid rice strains. Southern Weekend reported that the company failed to warn farmers about the strain's vulnerability to disease, and fraudulently labeled the strain's resistance to rice blast less than 25 percent, when the strain's susceptibility can be as high as 50 percent. The company said it believes cold weather was responsible for the lower rice yields in Anhui Province. Local authorities in Anhui have asked the Ministry of Agriculture to review the use of the 0293 strain. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 4月13日,袁隆平农业高科技股份有限公司发布公告宣布称,公司销售的“两优0293”产品质量符合国家标准,“但鉴于2014年安徽蚌埠地区因极端气候导致部分种植农户蒙受不同程度的经济损失,公司决定停止销售‘两优0293’”。 4月9日,《南方周末》报道,由于感染稻瘟病,安徽蚌埠地区万亩“两优0293”超级稻大幅减产,甚至部分绝收。报道还指,隆平高科涉嫌虚假宣传、没有充分提示低抗性风险。“两优0293”内外包装袋不一致,外包装袋上明确标注“抗性:稻瘟病平均5.6级”,这意味着发病率不到25%。撕开包装袋,混杂在种子中的一张白色纸片上,则在抗性5.6级之后,多了四个字:“最高9级”。这意味着,发病率超过50%,甚至达到100%。 隆平高科重申,“两优0293”于2006年通过国家品种审定委员会审定(国审稻2006045号),根据审定意见,该品种适宜在福建、江西、湖南、湖北、安徽、浙江、江苏的长江流域稻区(武陵山区除外)以及河南南部稻区的稻瘟病轻发区作一季中稻种植。安徽蚌埠地区属于稻瘟病轻发地区,该品种自2008年至2013年已经在该地区连续种植6年,未出现稻瘟病灾害情况。持续低温连阴雨是“两优0293”减产和绝收的主要原因。 隆平高科表示,“两优0293”2014年销售收入约700万元,停止销售和后续处理将会对公司利润产生一定的影响。灾害发生后,公司本着承担社会责任的态度一直积极与受灾农户代表、经销商和农业管理部门进行沟通,探讨尽可能的救助方案,并在分期分批落实;并将继续加大科研投入,强化研发能力,打造业内一流的商业化育种体系,已选育抗性好、米质优、产量高的广适性杂交水稻新组合,并尽快投放市场。