

2015-04-14    01'01''

主播: 财新金融英语

390 39

Health authorities in China announced a crackdown on the surrogacy business earlier this month, stating that the practice upsets the natural order of childbirth. The past year has seen a number of reports on the rise in popularity for surrogacy, a practice where a woman gives birth to another woman's child. The health commission said that regulators will ban any businesses involved in the practice of surrogacy. Prior to this, hospitals were already prohibited from assisting in surrogate pregnancies. Regulators said newspapers and other forms of media will be required to remove all surrogacy advertising from their publications and sites, and authorities will also block Internet content on these businesses. In China, a demand for surrogacy services has grown with higher infertility rates. According to the China Woman and Child Development Center and the China Population Association, in 2012 some 12 percent of women of child-bearing age were infertile, while the two decades earlier the figure was only at 3 percent. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 代孕是个长久以来既敏感又难以杜绝的问题。4月8号,国家卫计委、网信办、公安厅等12部委联合印发《关于印发开展打击代孕专项行动工作方案的通知》,决定从4月起至今年12月底在全国范围内开展打击代孕专项行动。 与此同时,面对不孕不育情况日益增多和“代孕”非法之间的矛盾,社会上出现了一些呼吁实现“代孕”合法化的声音。 目前,在国际社会上,有英国、美国、比利时、丹麦等不少国家已经承认了“代孕”的合法地位,即便如此,这些国家对代孕仍有严格的法律限制。 中国一向否认“代孕”的合法地位,政府认为“代孕”扰乱了正常的生育秩序,可能会对居民健康权益造成侵害,同时不利于落实计划生育基本国策。卫生部医学伦理专家委员会委员、中国协和医科大学生命伦理学研究中心执行主任翟晓梅说,虽然有一些人因为一些医学上的原因的确需要通过代孕这种人工辅助生育手段来孕育后代,但是,中国的现状太混乱,对代孕行为进行科学完善的分类管理也还不现实。所以,中国目前在代孕问题上,实行完全的“一刀切”的做法,也是不得已之举。