

2015-04-13    01'33''

主播: 财新金融英语

435 37

Government policies for public-private partnerships have garnered a tepid response in the market, according to several analysts, with many citing still-lax legal protections for private companies. Since late 2013, the central government has said it will encourage private businesses to invest in public utility and infrastructure projects via public-private partnerships (PPP) as part of efforts to introduce more market-oriented reforms. Used in the past, the model has gained more attention in recent years through the introduction of PPP policies by the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). In addition to this, more than 10 local governments have also introduced several PPP pilot programs. A policy researcher close to the NDRC said that legal protections for private company participation in PPPs are still lacking. As a result, interest in the programs has been slow to take. Some 30 PPP projects announced by the finance ministry in December still have only seen three private players throw their hats into the ring so far, for infrastructure projects in Anhui, Guizhou and Hunan Provinces. The provincial government of Jiangsu announced 15 PPP projects in August, but in all, only three projects have also secured backing from private players. A survey by Minsheng Securities said that of the 1.6 trillion yuan worth of PPP projects announced so far, only 210 billion yuan worth have contracts in place. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 经过一年预热,业内普遍希望PPP(Public-Private Partnership,政府和社会资本合作)在2015年进入发展“快车道”,落地项目快速增加。但现实是目前虽然政府层面积极筹备,频繁推出项目,但受制于制度层面的诸多不确定性,社会资本尤其是民间资本仍多处于观望状态,金融机构也热情不足,项目签约落地的规模有限。 2014年12月,财政部公布了30个PPP示范项目,存量项目居多。财新记者了解到,目前30个项目中有3个项目已经落地,分别是池州市主城区污水处理及市政排水设施购买服务项目、南明河水环境综合整治二期项目和湘潭经济技术开发区污水处理一期工程,均为污水处理类项目。 省级政府层面,已经有江苏、安徽、浙江、四川、河南等十余省推出PPP试点项目。去年8月江苏省率先推出了15个PPP试点项目,财新记者从江苏省财政厅了解到,目前只有三个项目签约。 盘点这些已签约项目的社会资本方,财新记者发现,央企、地方国企异地投资居多,真正希望引入的民间资本并不多。一位接近发改委的研究人士对财新记者称,在没有法律保证民营企业进入后能获得长期受益、明确如何监管前,民营企业不会也不敢参与,“所谓PPP不过是将前些年鼓励民间资本进入一些领域换了种说法而已。”