

2015-05-12    01'32''

主播: 财新金融英语

467 33

Banking fraud has risen in the past year, according to China’s banking regulator, with the increase of several cases in which criminals convinced people to put savings into fake accounts. Sources with knowledge of the matter said in late April the China Banking Regulatory Commission convened a meeting to tell its branches across the country to beef up supervision specifically to address a growing swath of deception crimes in the banking industry. In one publicized case which surfaced in May, fraudsters impersonating bank employees in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, stole some 100 million yuan in deposits from victims. According to local media, individuals were approached by scammers posing as client managers of a state-owned bank in Hangzhou. The victims relinquished their funds based on promises of high interest rates and received documentation bearing the bank’s stamp. Caixin identified the bank as the Bank of China’s Qingchun branch. A person close to the police investigation said one of the suspects, surnamed Lu, used to work at the branch. Police said Lu turned himself in on May 6 and three accomplices were taken into custody. Since late last year, the CBRC has spearheaded a campaign to review bank safeguards against fraud. Banks have been required to conduct internal reviews, then followed up by inspections by the CBRC. According to one CBRC official, the inspection period will be drawing to a close soon. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 针对各地频发的存款诈骗、票据造假等涉银行系统案件,银监会于2014年底开展专项检查,铁腕查案。 2014年末,银监会开始“两个加强、两个遏制”专项检查,检查情况是“自查情况良好,检查问题普遍”。“目前系统自查和工作组督查已经结束,专项检查进入关键的收尾阶段。”银监会相关人士对财新记者表示。 财新记者独家获悉,监管高层在近期召开的一季度经济形势会议上指出,各级监管机关不得松动,要把真实情况反映出来,“三铁三见”,即:铁面无私、铁证如山、铁案不翻、见人、见钱、见整改。在抓好信贷客户管理、进行防诈骗宣传的同时,对内部员工进行警示教育,“发现员工涉嫌参与非法集资的,要及时上报、果断处置”。 2015年5月,杭州再现一起“存款丢失”案。有中行前员工冒充在职员工,向储户许诺高收益,骗取巨额存款。 据《钱江晚报》5月初报道,受骗储户通过杭州市某国有银行网点“客户经理”,办理高利息存款,并开具有银行印章的“承诺书”作为凭据。随后储户发现该银行并无此项高利息存款业务,承诺书上公章亦为伪造。此案受骗人数众多,涉案金额过亿。 财新记者证实,“存款丢失”所涉银行为中国银行杭州市庆春支行。据杭州公安方面通报,案中“客户经理”姓陆,为原中国银行员工。自2010年起,陆某同其他三名犯罪嫌疑人以办理高息存款为由,诱使客户将资金交其办理,并伪造银行承诺函。5月6日,陆某向警方自首;目前犯罪嫌疑人均已被警方刑事拘留。 针对频频爆发的存款“失踪”案件,银监会相关人士指出,目前存款丢失案件主要分三种:社会人员冒充银行员工诈骗、银行员工与社会人员勾结、银行员工骗取存款。 银监会高层认为,目前行业出现存款诈骗、票据造假、贷款诈骗、理财陷阱、信用卡案件、销售“飞单”等多种类型问题,与经济运行压力较大等客观因素有关,但也反映银行自身管理存在漏洞。尤其是考核机制不合理,部分银行仍存在“重规模、轻风险”的情况,存款、利润、中收业务收入等指标层层加码,基层网点短期业绩压力大,对一些不合规行为管理缺位。 此外,监管高层也指出,目前发现的案件也反映出银行内控管理不严,制度屏障容易被击破,内部管理的执行力有待提高。银监会要求,各银行业金融机构要认真总结检查中暴露出来的问题,深刻反思“自查普遍较好、检查问题普遍”的不良现象,特别是要认真梳理存款诈骗、票据造假、贷款诈骗、理财陷阱、信用卡案件、销售“飞单”等突出案件、事件,找出风险点和薄弱环节,在此基础上认真整改、吸取教训、举一反三、进一步完善和改进内部管控。