

2015-05-15    01'40''

主播: 财新金融英语

527 28

A Beijing-based media company has won the first bidding for the rights to produce a live video feed for games involving China&`&s national soccer teams. China Sports Media Ltd. signed a four-year deal with the Chinese Football Association (CFA) on May 11 amid a push by the Communist Party to make a slew of changes that it hopes will make soccer the national game. One of the changes, announced by the cabinet on March 16, is introducing competition to the dishing out of broadcast rights. State broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) used to have the rights to produce the video feed, and may still wind up broadcasting games. CSM is a subsidiary of China Media Capital, a private equity fund that focuses on culture and media sectors. It will produce and distribute video of games involving the national teams in China and abroad. The rights include the men&`&s and women&`&s teams and their junior ranks, such as under-20 squads. Neither company announced the amount of money involved. A source from one firm involved in the bidding said that the CFA did not take the highest offer, which was 150 million yuan from a listed firm. This was because the body that runs soccer in China was interested in other factors, such as a firm&`&s experience, he said. Analysts said one of the main attractions of the deal for CSM will be qualifying games the national team plays before the 2018 World Cup, events that will fetch high prices from broadcasters. Analysts said the fees charged for similar raw video feeds account for about 70 percent of the total revenue for professional sporting events in Western countries, but the figure in China is very small. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 5月11日,体奥动力(北京)体育传播有限公司与中国足协与正式签约,获得未来四年中国之队系列比赛的媒体版权,并提供公共信号制作服务。这是足协首次以竞标的形式销售中国之队赛事媒体版权。 此前,足协通过下属的福特宝公司对媒体进行版权分发,并一直由央视独家享受赛事转播和分销权。今年3月,足协公开竞标,吸引了包括电视台、网站等14家单位参与谈判。体奥动力最终获得中国之队赛事媒体版权所有4项销售包,包括中国之队比赛公共信号制作服务报价、中国大陆境内电视版权竞购、中国大陆境内新媒体版权竞购和境外全媒体版权竞购。 与此同时,代表央视竞标的中视体育公司竞标失败。这意味着,未来四年包括央视在内的媒体以后转播中国之队的赛事需向体奥动力支付版权费。 在足球改革的大背景下,足协正将竞争机制引入赛事电视转播市场。去年10月,国务院第46号文件《关于加快发展体育产业促进体育消费的若干意见》中写道:放宽赛事转播权限制,除奥运会、亚运会、世界杯足球赛外的其他国内外各类体育赛事,各电视台可直接购买或转让。今年3月16日,《中国足球改革发展总体方案》正式出台,明确提出“实现足球赛事电视转播权有序竞争”。这直接促使足协启动中国之队赛事版权招标工作。 体奥动力近15年来都在从事媒体版权销售与信号制度,是华人文化产业投资基金旗下公司。据华人文化董事长、体奥动力董事长黎瑞刚介绍,体奥动力一直与中国足协有着密切合作,是中超联赛、中国足协杯、超级杯的电视转播合作伙伴,与东亚足联、亚足联、德甲联盟有着长期合作,并拥有亚冠联赛、亚洲杯、东亚杯等赛事独家版权。一直与传统电视、互联网、移动视频等平台合作。