200410 Birth month and personality

200410 Birth month and personality

2020-04-10    00'54''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

143 1

Scientists say that there is a connection between you and the month you were born. That means that people who are born in the same month, share some common features. Put aside your skepticism and try to enjoy. The results may be shocking.   Women born in January are very serious and ambitious about what they want. People born in February tend to be pretty erratic and their mood(s) swing(s) is not something everyone will be able to tolerate. When a woman born in March is upset, you will feel it.   Women born in April are great listeners but the downside is that they are very jealous. Women born in May are very beautiful but there is a downside they are very difficult to put up with. Ladies born in June rarely hide what they really think, in fact they usually speak first and ask questions later.   科学家说,你和你的出生月份之间是有联系的。这意味着同一个月出生的人会有一些共同的特征。抛开你的怀疑,何乐而不为呢?结果可能令人震惊哦。 一月份出生的女性非常严肃,对自己想要的东西会雄心勃勃。二月份出生的人情绪往往很不稳定,她们的情绪波动不是每个人都能容忍的。当三月出生的女人心烦意乱时,你一定会感觉到的。 四月出生的女性都是很好的倾听者,但缺点是她们非常容易嫉妒。五月出生的女人很漂亮,但也有一个缺点是很难和她们相处。六月出生的女士很少隐藏她们真正的想法,事实上她们通常先说话,后提问。