200526 Yantouzhu of Taihu Lake

200526 Yantouzhu of Taihu Lake

2020-05-27    00'53''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

159 2

1. Taihu Lake is located in the south of the Yangtze River Delta. Among the numerous lakes on the north of the Yangtze River, Taihu lake is the largest. Here, there is a Lake Island famous for its cherry blossoms. 2. Yuantouzhu is a peninsula extending into Taihu Lake. It is named after a giant stone that emerges from the lake and looks for all the world like a turtle with its head held high. 3. There are more than 30,000 cherry trees and more than 100 varieties planted in Yuantouzhu. From mid-March to mid-April every year, it is the best time to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms. 4. Pink clouds of cherry blossoms cover the trees, complemented by the rippling water and flurries of falling cherry flowers. 太湖,坐落在长江三角洲的南缘。长江北岸的众多湖泊中,太湖是最大的一个湖泊,这里有一个湖岛,因樱花而闻名。 鼋头渚是伸向太湖的一座半岛,因巨石突入湖中,形似神龟昂首而得名。 鼋头渚内种植有三万余株各类樱花,一百多个品种。每年3月中旬至4月中旬,是欣赏樱花的最佳时节。 樱花如云似霞,满树烂漫,水波荡漾,落樱飞舞。
上一期: 200525 the Ritz Cariton
下一期: 200529 Lychees