200629 How to answer the expected salary

200629 How to answer the expected salary

2020-06-29    01'00''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

136 1

Here's what I advise. Number one, first thing is, under no circumstances do I ever want you to actually give them a number. It's very difficult for you to hit the nail on the head by giving them a number, especially this early in the process. What I would rather you do is, when you are approached with that question, I'd like you to say, “While compensation is important to me, I really want to look at the entire value of working at your company: what I get to do, who I get to do it with, the training opportunities, the career advancement opportunities, the benefits, the vacation, and all of the other things that go along with working at your organization.” “I'm excited to learn about those in the interviewing process, and toward the end I would be able to give you a much better idea of what it is that I would expect in terms of my salary, based on all those other factors.” 下面就是我的建议。第一,首先任何情况下我都不想你真的给出一个数字。你很难通过给他们一个数字击中他们的要害,尤其是这么早的时候。 我更想让你做的是,当你商谈到这个问题,我想让你说,“尽管报酬对我来说很重要,但我想看一下在你们公司工作的全部价值:我要做什么,我要跟谁一起做,培训的机会,职业生涯的提升机会,福利,假期,还有所有其他在你们公司工作能享受的待遇。” “我很开心能在面试过程中了解这些,基于所有这些其他的因素,我将在最后能够给你的一个更好的关于期望薪资的想法。”