200814 Resume

200814 Resume

2020-08-16    00'53''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

215 0

The first step is getting your resume or CV ready and polished. A resume is more than just a document. It's like your personal representative going out into the world, talking in your voice. Remember, you have skills and experiences that help shape who you are and everyone has a story to tell. So a well-crafted resume is key to getting that first bit of your story out there. The importance of a good resume cannot be understated. It is your ticket to entry. Your resume speaks for you even when you aren't there. Remember, having a resume that represents you is the first step toward getting an interview. It shows not just your qualifications but also a bit about who you are as a person and that might be the key to helping you stand out from everyone else who has applied. 第一步是准备好并润色你的简历。简历不仅仅是一份文件。它就像你的个人代走出去,用你的语气为你说话。 记住,你的技能和经历有助于塑造你,每个人都有自己的故事要讲。所以,一份精心制作的简历是展示你故事的第一部分的关键。 一份好简历的重要性不能被低估。这是你的入场票。即使你不在那里,你的简历也会为你说话。 记住,拥有一份代表自己的简历是获得面试机会的第一步。它不仅能显示出你的资历,还能展示出你是一个怎样的人,这可能是帮助你从所有申请人中脱颖而出的关键。