Ted likes to shop. 小熊泰迪喜欢逛商店。 Ted stops.Ted hops. 泰迪停下脚步,高兴地跳了起来。 Ted smiles a big smile. 泰迪脸上挂着一个大大的微笑。 "I like this bed."thinks Ted. “我喜欢这张床哦。”泰迪想。 "I like red wood. Red wood is good." “我喜欢红色的木头,红木头真漂亮。” "I want to see more." “我要进里面去看看。” He goes into the store. 他走进了商店。 "Try the red bed."says Fred. “到床上躺躺看。”企鹅费莱德说。 "Oh,yes."says Ted. “噢,真不错!”泰迪说。 The slips his feet under the sheet. 泰迪的双脚一下子滑进了被子里。 He flops on the pillow. 他的脑瓜扑通一下落在枕头上。 The pillow is yellow. 枕头是金黄色的。 "I need this bed,fred!"grins Ted. “我要买这张床,弗莱德!”泰迪咧开嘴微笑着说。 "It is a nice price."smiles Fred. “价格很公道哦。”弗莱德也微笑着说。 Now it's Ted's bed,not Fred's bed. 现在小床是泰迪的了,不再属于弗莱德了。 Ted feels sleepy. Ted falls asleep. 泰迪困了,躺在床上睡着了。 Ted has a dream. He bobs down a stream. 泰迪做了一个梦,他的小床在河面上漂啊漂。 Ted has a dream. He bobs on a wave into a cave. 泰迪做了一个梦。浪花摇啊摇,把小床摇进了山洞里。 Ted has a dream. He can fly in the sky! 泰迪做了一个梦。他在天空飞呀飞。 Ted has a dream. He is back by the stream. 泰迪做了一个梦。小河把他送回了家。 Ted wakes up with a snore. 呼噜...泰迪睡醒了。 He's not in the store any more. 咦,自己已经不在商店里了。 Ted is home.His bed is home too. 他待在家里,小床也在家里。 "This red bed must be a magic red bed!" “哇塞,我的红色小床有魔力呀!”