Meet Ted. Ted likes red. 小熊泰迪,他最喜欢红颜色。 Even Ted's shed is a red shed. 连他的小屋都是红色的哦。 Today,Ted's hed goes into the shed. 今天,泰迪的新床运进了小屋。 "What are you doing, Ted?"asks Fred. “泰迪,你要做什么呢?”企鹅弗莱德问。 "Wait and see."says Ted. “等着瞧好啦。”泰迪说。 Up on his stool.ted gets down his tools. 泰迪爬到凳子上,取下他的工具箱。 He puts in a paw,and pulls out a saw. 他把手伸进去,拿出了一把据子。 Ted looks at his drawing. It's time to start sawing. 泰迪仔细的看着图纸。嗯,可以开始锯啦。 Ted saws into a big,round log. 泰迪把树干锯成又大又圆的一段。 "What are you up to?"asks Pup the dog. “你到底要做什么呢?”小狗好奇地问。 "Wait and see."says Ted. 等着瞧好啦。”泰迪说。 He saws off a big,round slice." 他又锯下了一大片儿圆木。 This wood is good.This slice is nice." “这块木头真不赖,这片圆木好结实。 Now Ted saws off slice after slice. 现在泰迪锯了一片又一片。 Look who's watching - a pair of mice! 看,有两只小老鼠也来看热闹呢! Next,Ted hunts for his jar of nails. 接下来,泰迪要找那只装着钉子的瓶子了。 The jar is empty... ...apart from a snail. 瓶子空了...只有一只蜗牛在里面。 Look, the mice have the nails in their tails! 看,小老鼠用尾巴运钉子来了! Ted and his team work on in the sun. 太阳下,泰迪和伙伴们干得真起劲儿。 They huff...and they puff...but it's lots of fun! 嗨哟...嗨哟...大家都好开心哦! Fred and Pup ask."What's this all about?" 弗莱德和小狗忍不住问:“我们到底要做什么啊?” "Just wait and see!"the others shout. 等着瞧好啦。”大家一起喊起来。 Did you spot Ted's clever plan? 你猜到小熊泰迪的妙计了吗? His red shed is now a caravan! 噢,他红色小屋现在变成了一辆旅行马车啦!
上一期: Hen’s pens
下一期: Ted in a red bed