

2020-10-29    21'19''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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9 月 7日,原创纪录片《我的章鱼老师》在 Netflix独家上线,镜头聚焦了一只活动在南非“海底森林”里的章鱼,主要讲述了一个“人与章鱼构建情感联结”的温情故事。影片中,我们能看到主人公亲切地称呼章鱼为 she,为她的机智和勇敢而着迷;也能看到章鱼渐渐卸下防备,从小心翼翼地试探,到最后将信任交付给人类。今天的文章, 还原了影片里的一些精彩镜头,让我们一同探秘自然界的生存智慧,感受这份属于海洋的限定浪漫…… 带着问题听讲解如何理解短语 hitch a ride? “严寒”和“酷暑”可以用英文如何表述? 根据文章,主人公为何会常年在南非西海岸潜水? 正文 The incredible tale of a man who formed an unlikely bond with an octopus 海底奇遇记:他和一只章鱼建立了超乎寻常的情感纽带 Craig Foster was diving, bare-chested, in bitterly cold waters off the southern-most tip of Africa when he saw her — an octopus hiding under a cloak of shells and stones. 克雷格·福斯特赤裸着上身,在海洋中潜水;在非洲最南端冰冷刺骨的海水中,他看到了她——一只用贝壳和石头作掩护的章鱼。Enchanted, he began following this incredibly shy creature, trying to prove he wasn't a predator by staying very still in her presence. And then, after 26 days of near obsessive wooing, she reached out and touched him. 福斯特被她深深迷住了,于是他开始追随这只极易受到惊吓的章鱼, 他在她面前保持静止,试图以此证明自己并非捕食者。接着,在经过26天近乎痴迷的“追求”后,她伸出了一条触手,触摸了他。 In the new Netflix documentary "My Octopus Teacher"this tender moment moves you in a way you never thought an octopus tentacle wrapped around a human hand could. 在网飞的新纪录片《我的章鱼老师》中,你会发现章鱼触手缠绕在人手上的这一刻,竟如此温情、令人感动。 We see her outwitting a shark by hitching a ride on its back, growing a new tentacle after surviving a shark attack, and finally wasting away after laying a clutch of eggs. 在片中,我们目睹她洋洋得意地骑在鲨鱼背上,智胜捕食者;目睹她在另一只鲨鱼的袭击下逃过一劫,后来长出新的触手;也目睹她在产下一窝幼卵后,最终变得奄奄一息。 "The octopus showed me many behaviors that were completely new to science, because this animal trusted me," Foster says. “这只章鱼向我展示了许多连科学家都没有研究过的行为,因为这只动物信任我。”福斯特说道。 Foster has spent the last ten years diving in a kelp forest in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of South Africa. He began this daily diving regimen as a way of dealing with a depression that had left him raw and disconnected. 在过去的十年里,福斯特总是在南非西海岸附近的大西洋海藻林中潜水。抑郁症曾令他痛苦不堪,甚至与社会脱节,于是,为了治疗抑郁症,他开启了每天潜水的养生计划。 Immersing himself in this underwater world has calmed his mind. Over the years other animals have reached out to make contact, including otters, whales, cuttlefish and even sharks. But nothing has compared to his "once-in-a-lifetime" bond with the octopus, he says. 潜入这个海底世界使他的内心感到平静。数年来,其他动物也会游过来与他接触,比如水獭、鲸鱼、墨鱼,甚至还有鲨鱼。但是他说,没有什么能比得上他与这只章鱼间“一生绝无仅有”的情感纽带。Foster says the greatest lesson she taught him is that humans are part of the natural world around us, and not simply visitors. "Your own role and place in the natural world is singularly the most precious gift we have beengiven." 福斯特说这只章鱼给他上的最重要的一课是:人类,是我们身边自然界的一份子,而并不仅仅是访客。“我们在自然界中的角色和位置, 绝对是我们被赋予的最珍贵的礼物。”