

2021-03-02    25'54''

主播: Pei你慢成长

374 5

美国亚裔:种族问题里的“隐形人”  自疫情在美国出现以来,针对亚裔群体的歧视事件一直层出不穷。针对这一现象,普林斯顿大学华裔教授 Anne Anlin Cheng 在《纽约时报》发表评论文章,探讨了美国社会对亚裔群体的态度。亚裔所遭受的歧视中,蕴含着怎样的复杂问题?亚裔群体能为自己做些什么?一起来听今天的讲解。  英文原文  What This Wave of Anti-Asian Violence Reveals About America  近来的反亚裔暴力浪潮,揭示了美国的这一面  By Anne Anlin Cheng  A 23-year-old Korean woman in New York was punched in the face last March and accused of having the coronavirus. More incidents followed as the virus spread, with Asian-Americans being spat on, beaten, slashed, even attacked with chemicals.  去年三月在纽约,有人朝一位23岁韩裔女性的面部猛击,并指责她携带新冠病毒。随着疫情的蔓延,更多类似事件相继发生,许多美国亚裔人士被吐唾沫、殴打、割伤,甚至遭到了化学品袭击。  Racial violence in the United States is not simply Black and white, even if it looks that way. Instead, it can reveal layered victimizations and mediated enmity.  即便看起来非“黑”即“白”,美国的种族暴力问题也绝不是那么简单。它所揭示的,是针对不同人种、程度不一的伤害;是以间接的方式,存在于不同族群间的敌意。  Asian-Americans are persistently racialized, yet they often don’t count in the American racial equation.  亚裔美国人一直都被种族化,但在关于美国种族平等的讨论中,他们很少被提及。  If they register at all on the national consciousness, it is either as a foreign threat (the Yellow Peril, the Asian Tiger, the Spy, the Disease Vector) or as the domestic but ultimately disposable prism for deflecting or excusing racism against other minorities.  哪怕他们出现在美国国民意识里时,也往往只有以下两种印象:一种是外来威胁(“**”,“亚洲虎”,“间谍”,“疾病传播者”),另一种,的确是本国国民,但也只是一块多棱镜,其功能要么是转移注意力,要么是为针对其他少数族裔的种族主义找理由,而一旦发挥完作用,就要被抛弃。  Asian-Americans are tired of insisting that others care. The truth is that few are listening. All we can do is to continue to tell our truths, to know, even just for ourselves, that we are here. As the poet Rita Dove wrote, “Here, / it’s all yours, now — / but you’ll have / to take me, / too.”  亚裔美国人不想再以坚决的态度来要求他人的关心。因为事实告诉我们,几乎没有人听到我们的声音。我们能做的,只有继续诉说发生在我们身上的真实事件,并且,哪怕只是为了我们自己,也要认识到:我们就在这里。正如诗人丽塔·德夫写的那样:“给你,这些都是你的了 - 但你也得,接纳我。”