3.8.EMF 句句扎心,男人哭吧哭吧,没关系,你也有节日

3.8.EMF 句句扎心,男人哭吧哭吧,没关系,你也有节日

2019-03-08    01'04''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

132 1

3.8.EMF 句句扎心,男人哭吧哭吧,没关系,你也有节日 1. Traditionally, men are supposed to be tough, powerful, dominant, unfeeling uncaring, hard-working, but never complaining. We are supposed to be these, sort of, manly stoic men. 2. I think We need to reject those stereotypes, reject those nonsensical expectations because they are not fit, they are not necessary or relevant to the modern world. 3. We don't need to subscribe to this outdated"manly man"version of being a man. Just be yourself, man. Pour your emotions out, if you want to. Talk to your pals about how you feel about things. Tell them if you are struggling. Ask your pals if they are struggling. Have a cuddle. Have a greet. 4. Treat the men and women, treat masculinity and femininity, treat all those aspects of your life as equals rather than competing parts of yourself, rather than an internal conflict that has to be resolved with macho manliness. 传统观念认为,男人应该坚强、有力量、有主导力、不多愁善感、冷漠、勤奋,但从不抱怨。我们应该是,这种有男子气概的面对逆境时隐忍的男人。 我认为我们要摒弃那些偏见,摒弃那些对男人荒谬的期望,因为它们不合适,在现代世界没有必要,也没有关联。 我们不需要认同这种过时的男子汉气概。做你自己,伙计。如果你想的话,就把你的情绪宣泄出来。和你的朋友谈谈你对事情的看法。如果你的生活很煎熬,就告诉他们。问问你的朋友,他们是否在煎熬中。拥抱一下。哭一哭,发泄一下。 男人和女人,男性化和女性化,把你生活中所有这些方面都平等对待,而不是把自己的这些当成是矛盾冲突的部分,也不是必须要用男子气概解決的内心的煎熬。