3.9.EMF 抱一抱,男人也要肩膀

3.9.EMF 抱一抱,男人也要肩膀

2019-03-09    00'46''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

152 0

Traditionally, Women are supposed to be tender, mild. reserved. sentimental considerate, self-disciplined, but always appealing. We are supposed to be these, sort of, womanly graceful Women think we need to embrace those per spectives, embrace those reasonable visions because they are indeed fit They are predictable and inevitable in the future world Treat the ups and downs. treat success and failure, treat all those aspects of your life as experience rather than neg- ative parts of yourself, rather than a shameful memory that has to be re- membered with painful regret 1.传统观念中,女人就应该是温柔的、随 和的、内向的、感性的、体贴的、自律 的,同时又必须总是迷人的。我们应该 总是像这样做一个充满女人味的优雅的 女人。 2.我认为我们需要拥抱这些观点,拥抱这 些合情合理的愿景,因为这确实是适合 的。在未来的世界中,这是可以预见 的,也是无法避免的。 3.对待你人生中的起起伏伏,对待所有的 成功和失败,对待这些你生活中的方方 面面,都要当作是一种阅历,而不是你 身上不好的一部分,也不是一段只有痛 苦遗憾的耻辱回忆。