Lesson 10 1、露茜刚买了一件新的乐器。Lucy has just bought a new musical instrument. 2、我家没有任何乐器。There is no musical instrument in my home. 3、我家没有一个人知道古钢琴的。No one in my home knows clavichord. 4、一台钢琴有很多琴键和琴弦。A piano has many keys and strings. 5、这种糕点叫月饼。This cake is called Mooncake. 6、那种石头叫钻石。That stone is called diamond. 7、直到现在,他仍然被他的同学称为乞丐。 Up to now,he is still called a beggar by his classmates.. 8、就在那时,古钢琴就被她损坏了。 Just then,she struck the keys hard and the clavichord was damaged by her. 9、我的旧电脑存放在我的房间的衣柜里。 My old computer is kept in the wardrobe of my room. 10、他小于16岁时不允许开车。 He was not allowed to drive when he was under sixteen years old . 11、在许多年前我不被允许骑单车。I was not allowed to ride bikes many years ago. 12、没经过我的同意你不许碰这本书。 You are not allowed to touch this book without my permission. 13、最近我常常忘记吃药。I often forgot to take medicine recently. 14、最近天气越来越冷了。It was colder and colder recently. 15、我从来没见过古钢琴。I have never seen a clavichord. 16、我的杯子不是玻璃做的。My cup is not made of glass. 17、这个蛋糕是我姐姐做的。This cake was made by my sister. 18、我的笔记本电脑是2007年中国制造的。 My laptop was made in China in two thousand and seven. 19、最近我家的古钢琴被哥哥的小孩损坏了。 Recently our clavichord was damaged by my brother's child. 20、这架钢琴是英国制造的。This piano was made in England. 21、你们可以观看这些画,但不可以摸。 You can look at the pictures,but you can't touch them. 22、你们不许碰那花瓶。You are not allowed to touch the vase. 23、这椅子是木头做的。This chair is made of wood. 24、最近几天我接待了几个客人。These days I have served several visitors. 25、这张书桌是属于我父亲的。This desk belongs to my father. 26、那只小鸟在上个月的最后一天被卖了。The bird was sold on the last day of last month.