

2023-06-13    01'35''

主播: crisp bear

842 1

She drinks plenty of water, eats healthily and works out regularly because she is trying to lose weight for her wedding. 她大量喝水,健康饮食,规律健身,是因为在为婚礼减肥。 As she had a passion for sports activities, she joined the sports team in the university and regarded training as a routine. 由于她酷爱体育活动,所以加入了大学的运动队,并且把训练当作日常惯例。 Since staying connected and being中 social have taken up too much time, it's important to leave time for ourselves. 因为和别人保持联系或社交花费了我们太多时间,所以给自己留些时间是很重要的。 原因状语从句多用because as since for的引导