【Rory Kinnear】2016 Olivier Awards致辞莎士比亚

【Rory Kinnear】2016 Olivier Awards致辞莎士比亚

2016-04-05    07'14''

主播: A Box Of Cats

542 34

视频源: 微博ID小明虾:http://weibo.com/1292345937/Dpt8hd7Vl?from=page_1005051292345937_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime&type=comment#_rnd1459845388815 今年是莎士比亚逝世400周年,又是奥利弗奖(及其前身)设立40周年,所以有这么一个特别的致辞环节,致辞人就是上一次因莎剧表演(2014年,奥赛罗中的伊阿古)获奥利弗奖的罗胖胖啦~~~~~~ 首先然后到底我是没有怎么听懂这段话。。。然而会一直听一直听直到听写出来(希望在神夏4之前。。。 致辞的后边有提到今年初去世的AR,及他参与录制的专辑《when love speaks》。我们现在能听到的AR读sonnet130,就出自那个专辑。最后由一个【什么嗓子那是】唱了专辑中的歌sonnet18(专辑里那版才深情呢,有机会放上来。 蜗速听写中,【】里表示没听懂的: 主持人:well then,it's not just our big anniversary this year, it's 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare who is of course still 【the major present】 on our screens and in our theatres. In fact Shakespeare has one more Oliviers than any other writer. Love to know who his agent is. Please welcome the last winner of the Olivier for Shakespeare performance, Rory Kinnear. 罗胖: “A proclaim’d prize! Most happy!” not just a line from King Lear, but also presumably something like what the great bard of Avon himself would have said each time his name been called out in this 【】 of awards. Of 18 times in the category of Best Revival have been awarded,plays by William Shakespeare have won five of them. 【【【这句话有一半没听懂,等我再听听。。。】】】←.← But at last it is the directors that get take home the award. 【Ups accounting for the top】 of Achilles's line in Troilus and Cressida: “prize of accident as oft as merit.” instead he is thanked, continually. His plays have won 66 Olivier Awards, for other people. Alan Howard and Adele Farrah won for the Henrys the first year of the Awards, Mike Bartlett‘s Shakespeare inspired verse drama King Richard III won Best New Play last year. Twelfth Night has won seven Oliviers, more than any of the other plays, closely followed by King Lear on six. Of Judi Dench's record now seven Oliviers,three have been for Shakespeare for Lady Macbeth and Cleopatra,and for tonight, Paulina. Patrick Stewart and Michael Bryant have two Shakespeare wins both for roles in Hamlet and Antony and Cleopatra. The status himself is of Olivier in one of his most celebrated Shakespeare portrayals as Henry V. And not only actors, designers and directors have won 【for his】 name, musicals, such as The Comedy of Errors inspired The Boys from Syracuse and Taming of the shrew comes 【apart】 Kiss Me Kate, both have been 【applauded】 with awards. The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet have inspired Olivier wins both opera and dance. Be inexhaustible flexibility 【of his】 works, its timeless imaginitive possibilities underscored by a human understanding and lyrical invention unlike any other, means at today, 400 years after his death, his works are still as seductive and vital to presentations and audience 【as it's like】. More than in the classroom, the lecture hall or the library, his plays exist to be performed, his characters to have life 【rave】 in to them, his ideas and fames to be given shape and definition on the stage. And in an English speaking world, he is the writer we most want to challenge ourselves with, envelope ourselves in and give voice to. "Tis deeds must win the prize." Says Baptista in Taming of the Shrew. What he did and what he left for all of us, is worth more than any prize there is. To mark this anniversary we are going to hear a song performance now of one of his sonnets. Early this year, we lost incomparable Alan Rickman, a man but extraordinary talent and generosity. In 2002, Alan co-created the album When Love Speaks, a collection of Shakespeare's sonnets both spoken and sung, brought to life by an incredible group of performers, many of them are here this evening. 【Take in 】 from Alan's unique project, the Olivier Awards have teamed up with a singer and song writer, enjoying a breakout year in 2016. Ladies and gentlemen, to perform sonnet 18, the supremely talented Jack Savoretti.