Week15:Birthday Invitation

Week15:Birthday Invitation

2018-03-14    01'17''

主播: 🍀Amy🎀

25 0

第十五周 Birthday Invitation生日邀请 Josh: Hello, Jerry. 吉瑞,你好。 Jerry: Hello, Josh. You look so happy today. 乔希,你好。你今天看起来很高兴啊。 Josh: Yes brother, because I’m going to have my birthday party this weekend. 是的,兄弟。因为我这周末要搞生日派对。 I want to have a big party with my friends. 我想跟朋友们一起搞个大的party。 That’s why I come to invite you; you are my best friend in China. 所以,我来邀请你。你是我在中国最好的朋友。 Jerry: Oh, yes. Your birthday is coming. 哦,是啊,你的生日要到了。 How time flies! 时间飞逝啊。 I still remember your last party. 我还记得你上次的party。 We really enjoyed a lot ! 我们真的玩的很开心啊。 Josh: Yes, we are getting older now. 是啊,我们都变老了。 But remember to come that evening. 但是,记得那天晚上要来啊。       Jerry: Sure, I will come and give you a big surprise like last time. 当然,我会来给你一个大大的惊喜,像上次一样。 Josh: And remember to take your girlfriend. 对了,记得带上你的女朋友。 Jerry: OK, I will. 好的,我会的。  Josh: So, I will be expecting. 好,那我就期待你们。