Week14:Wedding Invitational 💑

Week14:Wedding Invitational 💑

2018-03-09    01'32''

主播: 🍀Amy🎀

21 0

第十四周 Wedding Invitation 婚礼邀请 Andy: Good evening, Jack. How are you? 晚上好,杰克。你好吗? Jack: Fine, thanks, Andy. I am so happy to receive your call. 很好,谢谢,安迪。很高兴接到你的电话。 Andy: I’m calling to tell you big news. 我打电话过来告诉你一个好消息。 Jack: OK, what is it ? 好的,什么好消息? Andy: I’m going to get married. 我要结婚了。 Jack: Really, that’s great. Congratulations! 真的吗,太棒了。恭喜你! Andy: Thank you very much.I’d like to invite you and your family to my wedding. 非常感谢。我想邀请你和你的家人一起参加我们的婚礼。 Jack: So, what’s the date for this big day? 那么,你的婚礼在几号? Andy: We have wedding on this October, 28th. 我们的婚礼在10月28号。 Jack: And the address? 地址呢? Andy: We make it in Holiday Hotel, close to the big park. 我们定在假日酒店,靠近大公园那边。 Jack: That’s a good place and I will be there with my family. 那是个好地方,我和家人会一起去参加。 Andy: OK, I will be looking forward to your visit. Bye-bye. 好的,我期待你们的光临。再见。 Jack: Thanks very much. Bye. 非常感谢,再见。