集思晨读 Day 131 中国文化特辑 鱼

集思晨读 Day 131 中国文化特辑 鱼

2015-04-17    02'40''

主播: 宽心石

63 2

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 131 中国文化特辑 】 058 Yu 鱼 Good morning, everyone! It's Fri., 17th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周五早上好,今天是四月十七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读! 今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 鱼 1. The Chinese character, Yu, which means fish with a plump body and round eyes. 2. Yu is related to special meanings and legends. 3. There was a Yu in the Yellow River. 4. He wanted to jump over the Dragon Gate, so that he could become a dragon. 5. However, only quite a few Yu could accomplish that feat in the turbulent river. 6. People with great achievements in study or business are often compared to these Yu who have turned into dragons. 7. Therefore, Carps, a kind of Yu, represent achieving prosperity through hard work. 8. Yu is a word with a double meaning in China. 9. A Spring Festival painting featuring a Yu is a symbol of an affluent life. 10. Yu remind Chinese of prosperity and fortune. 11. Thus people like to raise Yu to pray for good luck. 12. Yu is a produce of nature and a mascot in Chinese daily life. 备注: A. plump: 想想前阵子《超能陆战队》中大白的憨态可掬的形象,这个词就可以用;另外,建议形容人身体棒,最好避开“fat”这歌词,这个plump就可以用了 B. Feat: 如果不看文稿,相比你会听成feet;这里feat和脚是同音异形词;它是指something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, strength etc to do 原文释义:"跳龙门,不是所有鱼都能够跳过去的,只有极少数可以做到(壮举)!" 应用举例:人类首次登月是一个勇敢的壮举。(练练翻译吧!) C. Produce: 这里做名词实用哦,意指产品; (尤指)农产品! D. mascot: 吉祥物