集思晨读 Day 133 中国文化特辑 钱

集思晨读 Day 133 中国文化特辑 钱

2015-04-19    01'51''

主播: 宽心石

85 1

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 133 中国文化特辑 】 060 Qian 钱 Good morning, everyone! It's Sun., 19th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周日早上好,今天是四月十九号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读! 今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 钱 1. Chinese used shells as money, Qian, five thousand years ago. 2. With the development of metallurgy, metallic currency started to circulate. 3. These copper coins originated from Chinese people’s daily life and production. 4. Spade-shaped coins came from farming tools. 5. And knife-shaped coins came from fishing gears and knives. 6. The Tongbao coins symbolizing the titles of the emperor’s reigns were circulated for the longest time in the history of China. 7. Gold, silver, food and textiles were once used as Qian in China. 8. The earliest paper money named Jiaozi came out in China more than one thousand years ago. 9. Now the banknote circulating in China is the fifth edition of RMB. 10. The appearance and printing techniques have been improved over the years. 备注: A. metallurgy 冶金学 / mɪˈtælədʒɪ/ 该词的含义可以由 metal(名词,金属)推导出来; 同时注意另一个派生词 metallic (形容词,似金属的) B. Fishing gear- "gear" 此处做工具、设备讲; 原文意指“由渔具和刀演化而来的刀币等!” C. Reign 读音和rain一样,属同音异形词,注意区分,第一次听的时候可以结合上下文区分; reign做名词意指“君主的统治时期”