集思晨读 Day 137 中国文化特辑 茶

集思晨读 Day 137 中国文化特辑 茶

2015-04-23    02'14''

主播: 宽心石

106 2

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 137 中国文化特辑 】 064 Tea 茶 Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 23rd April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周四早上好,今天是四月二十三号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读! 今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 茶 Tea 1. Tea, Cha, is the beverage most representative of Chinese culture. 2. Proper etiquette dictates that guests are treated to Cha. 3. Many outstanding Chinese poems were created in the company of Cha. 4. Originating in China, Cha is divided into Green Tea, Black Tea, Yellow Tea, Dark Tea and White Tea according to its color. 5. The procedures for drinking Cha are delightful. 6. Cha, water, wares and fire are indispensable when making Cha. 7. The shape, color and fragrance of Cha are quite important. 8. The water should be clear and sweet. 9. The fire should be clean without odor. 10. The chinaware and purple-clay tea sets are widely used. 11. People feel closer to nature by drinking Cha. 备注: A. Beverage = drink (除水以外的)饮料(如牛奶﹑ 茶﹑ 葡萄酒﹑ 啤酒). B. Representative adj./n. containing examples of a number of types 具有代表性的,典型的 Is a questionnaire answeredby 500 people truly representative(adj.) of national opinion? 一份调查问卷有500人作答, 是否能真正代表全国人民的意见? He shall act as sole representatives of XYZ Oil 他将充当XYZ石油公司的总代理. C. Etiquette n. Etiquette  和复数形式的proprieties 指的是文明社会中所规定的行为方式:   再举例: Even when she was angry, she observed the proprieties. 甚至当她发怒的时候,都要遵从礼节。 D. In the company of 与某物/某人一起,一道 Delightful Greatly pleasing. 令人高兴的,使人愉快的,讨人喜欢的 再举例: We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday. 上星期天我们在海滨玩得真痛快。 His daughter is such a delightful girl. 他女儿确实讨人喜欢。 E. Indispensable absolutely essential 不可缺少的; 必需的 搭配: ~ (to sb/sth); ~ (for sth/doing sth) 文中讲 泡一壶好茶 对water,ware(泡茶器具)和火全部都有要求; 同样下文说一杯好茶 shape(形),color(色),fragrance(味)也很关键; F. purple-clay tea sets 紫砂壶