集思晨读 Day 143 中国文化特辑 毛笔

集思晨读 Day 143 中国文化特辑 毛笔

2015-04-29    02'05''

主播: 宽心石

57 1

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 143 中国文化特辑 】 067 Writing Brush 毛笔 Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 29th April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周三早上好,今天是四月二十九号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读! 今天的中国文化特辑 跟大家聊 毛笔 Writing Brush 1. More than 2,000 years ago, a general returned from hunting and was inspired by the tail of a rabbit. 2. He cut off the tail and stuck it into a bamboo drain, making the first writing brush. 3. The penholder is made of bamboo or bones. 4. The nib is made of hairs from sheep, rabbits or wolves. 5. Unlike other writing tools, it is difficult to write with writing brushes. 6. Writing Hanzi with soft Maobi represents oriental philosophy. 7. It is regarded as a method to cultivate the mind and nature, and widely used among scholars. 8. Writing became an art called calligraphy with the birth of Maobi. 9. Maobi is a friend of Chinese scholars, making records of their knowledge and character. 备注: 1. Bamboo drain 竹竿(管) 2. Nib 笔尖 趣味拓展 易混词 nip v.捏住, 咬住, 夹住, 掐住(某物) 常用习语:nip sth in the bud 释义: To stop or destroy sth at an early stage in its development 将某事物阻止或消灭於萌芽中: 举例: She wanted to be an actress, but her father soon nipped that idea in the bud. 她想当演员, 但她父亲一知道这个想法就阻止住了. 3. Oriental adj. =eastern 东方国家的;来自东方国家的 Oriental philosophy 东方哲学 New Oriental 新东方。。。 4. Cultivate v. make (the mind, feelings, etc) more educated and refined 陶冶(思想﹑ 感情等) 再举例: Reading books is a good way to cultivate your mind. 阅读不失为陶冶情操的好方法。