集思晨读 Day 149 中国文化特辑 玉

集思晨读 Day 149 中国文化特辑 玉

2015-05-05    01'47''

主播: 宽心石

111 2

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 149 中国文化特辑 】 069 Jade Good morning, everyone! It's Tues., 5th May. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周二早上好,今天是五月五号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读! 今天的中国文化特辑 跟大家聊 玉 1. It is difficult to acquire a beautiful jade. 2. Only through the delicate procedure of cutting, polishing and carving, a piece of unshaped stone can shine. 3. Yu has played an important role in people’s life in China over the last 8,000 years. 4. Seals(印章) of emperors were made of Yu. 5. Yu is also a popular material for amulets(护身符), ornaments(装饰物), and expensive artwork. 6. Yu was featured in the medals of Beijing Olympic Games. 7. Yu represents dignity, holiness and purity. 8. Chinese believe that Yu is more valuable than gold. 备注 1. acquire /əˈkwaɪə / v. 获得, 得到 , 取得 再举例: It takes me a year to acquire proficiency in French. 我花了一年时间在法语上达到熟练水平。 注意派生词: acquisition /'ækwɪz'ɪʃən/n. He is a valuable acquisition to the team. 他是球队中一个不可多得的(新)队员。 2. delicate procedure 精细的步骤 再举例: The surgical operation on the eyes is a delicate one. 眼科手术是十分精细的。 3. polish /ˈpɔlɪʃ/ v. 磨光,打磨 引申义:修改,润色(讲稿,文章) 再举例: I spent all afternoon polishing the silver. 我整个下午都在抛光这个银饰。 Your essay is good, you just need to polish it a bit. 你的文章写得很好,稍作润色即可。 4. feature /ˈfiːtʃə(r); / v. 以...为特色;给以显著地位 再举例: We find the mother featured in the son. 我们发现这个儿子很象她母亲。 The newspaper featured the story of the event. 报纸以显著地位报道那个事件。