集思晨读 中国文化特辑  你来猜主题

集思晨读 中国文化特辑 你来猜主题

2015-06-04    03'50''

主播: 宽心石

64 2

【集思晨读 Lewis 中国文化特辑 】 Good morning, everyone! It's Thur., 4th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周四早上好,今天是六月四号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好。 今天的中国文化特辑晨读首先给大家分享一个调调,大家来猜猜今天晨读的主题: Did you get our topic today? 听出来今天晨读的主角了么? If not, listen carefully. Here comes our hero! 1. I' m the national treasure of China. 2. I like to be alone just like a drifter. 3. Our family has lived on the earth for more than 8 million years. 4. At first, we lived on meat. 5. Later we ran out of food with the tremendous change of the temperature on the earth. 6. Now, we are one of the most endangered species. 7. We are regarded as beasts for peace. 8. Truce was agreed whenever the flags printed with images of us were raised 1,700 years ago. 9. These flags represent peace and friendship 10. And both sides of the war would stop fighting. 11. Now we’re known far and wide. 12. And we’re often sent abroad as gifts. 13. We have even been chosen as the mascot of the World Wildlife Fund. 14. We hope that people will offer more protection for animals. Oh, by the way bamboo is my favorite food ! Finally, I bet you've all had the answer right ? It's panda! 备注: 1. Drifter 漂泊者:漂泊的人,尤指漫无目的从一个地方到另一个地方,从一个工作至另一工作的人 // 当然文中用来说 熊猫猫 到处逛 的意思了 2. Endangered species 濒危物种 3. Truce 休战 停战 declare/negotiate/break a truce 宣布[谈判/破坏]休战协定. 4. Be known far and wide 广为人知 5. Mascot 吉祥物 6. World Wildlife Fund 世界野生生物基金会