集思晨读 中国文化特辑 印刷

集思晨读 中国文化特辑 印刷

2015-06-08    02'55''

主播: 宽心石

33 2

Good morning, everyone! It's Mon., 8th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周一早上好,今天是六月八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好! 今天的中国文化特辑晨读和大 家分享 “印刷-Printing” 1. A Chinese, named Bi Sheng, invented movable type print around 1,000 years ago. 2. The movable components are cubes made of baked clay. 3. Characters were carved on each piece of clay which looked like the seals widely used in China. 4. The movable components could be arranged freely to form different vocabularies and sentences. 5. They were fixed on an iron plate with frames in certain sequence. 6. Then ink was painted, and a piece of paper was laid on. 7. A printed sheet was created this way. 8. This technique improved the efficiency of printing and transformed traditional transcription into modern printing. 9. Scripts and paintings spread widely in the world with the help of Yinshua. 备注: 1. Cubes made of baked clay 泥土烧制成的立方体 2. Seal 印章 3. In certain sequence 按照特定的顺序 4. Transform traditional transcription into modern printing 将传统的手抄誊写转变为现代的印刷