集思双语 中国文化特辑 红娘

集思双语 中国文化特辑 红娘

2015-06-16    06'15''

主播: 宽心石

150 3

【集思双语 Lewis 中国文化特辑 红娘 Matchmaker 】 Good morning, everyone! It's Tue., 16th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周二早上好,今天是六月十六号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好! 今天给大家分享的中国文化元素主题是 红娘 Matchmaker 1. A matchmaker, often called Hongniang in China, is a messenger of love. 2. In a Chinese love story, a young man fell in love with a rich lady. 3. The lady’s family strongly objected to this marriage. 4. The family’s maid named Hongniang, persuaded the rich family to approve the marriage. 5. There are many other stories about Hongniang in Chinese literature and drama. 6. Chinese are more than happy to be a Hongniang, because they believe that those who bring happiness to others will be happy themselves. 7. Now you understand that Hongniang is the Chinese Cupid. 备注:关键词/表达 1. Messenger 信使 2. Maid 女仆 侍女 3. Approve the marriage 同意这门亲事 4. Be more than happy to do sth. 十分乐意做某事 5. The Chinese Cupid 中国的丘比特