

2014-11-25    15'53''

主播: Apple Ma

126 2

大家好,我们今天来预习一下四年级英语上册第9课第1单元的内容。 Unit 1 What happened to your head?你的头怎么了? (一) 关键句:What happened?发生什么事情了 1. happen-“发生”,过去式-happened,在词尾ed的发音发/d/ 2. fall-“落下,坠落”,过去式fell; “从…掉下来,摔下来”fall off”,过去式fell off. What happened to the bear?小熊发生什么事情了呀? The little bear fell off the tree.小熊从树上摔了下来。 (二) Part 2 Listen, point and find “Did you…?”(课文) 1. bump-“撞,碰”,过去式是bumped,在词尾ed的发音发/t/, 2. carry-“搬运”,过去式carried…carry词尾y变i再加上ed,ed读/d/ (三) Now, I’ll translate and read each sentence, and you follow me. 下面我将翻译并读出课文,请在英文句子后的提示音后跟读,我们试着把课文背下来。 (四)精妙的表达来总结 1. 某人或某处发生了什么事?What happened to…?注意to的使用 例如:What happened to your mother? What happened to your school? 2. “骑自行车去兜风”:go for a bike ride。 开着车去兜风:go for a car ride. 3. 从…摔下来,跌落下来,fall off 4. 用自行车搬用什么东西,carry…on the bike 5. 带某人去某地,take某人to某地. 例如:Mum took me to Beijing thirty years ago. We saw the Great Wall. It was my first time.” 30年前妈妈带着我去北京,去参观了长城。那是我第一看到长城。 (五) 预习检查 好啦,我们预习到这里,来翻译几个句子,看大家是不是记住今天的预习呢 1. 你的头怎么?What happened to your head? 2. 我昨天开车去兜风了。I went for a car ride yesterday. 3. 昨天我用自行车搬电脑了。I carried the computer on the bike. 4. 我的猫从树上跌落下来。My cat fell off the tree. 5. 我撞到了头。I bumped my head. 6. Sam带着我去星海公园。Sam took me to Xinghai Park. That’s all for today. Bye