

2015-08-04    15'42''

主播: Apple Ma

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新标准英语第7册M1-U2的内容讲解 【刊首语片花】 各位同学们,大家好,我是Apple老师,欢迎大家收听Apple老师讲新标准节目。在每一期的节目中,我将和同学们一起来提前预习新学期新标准英语的学习内容,希望我的讲解能够对大家的在校英语学习提供有声帮助。如果各位同学有什么疑问,可以加我的微信号31971077和我交流,我将及时回答你们在学习英语中遇到的问题。little by little, bit by bit,英语学习需要日积月累,好的成绩在于勤思多问,相信大家做得到! 【授课内容大纲】 Unit 2 I've got a new friend.(我有一个新朋友) (1)复习 Amy有一个朋友,Lucy。Amy has got a friend. 她住在伦敦的朋友。She lives in London. Amy正在读Lucy的来信。Amy is reading a letter from Lucy. 伦敦现在有点冷。London is a bit cold now. 周六她过完了生日,她现在九岁了。It was Lucy's birthday on Saturday. She's nine now. 一张是她生日派对的照片。A photo of her birthday party. 穿红色衣服的小姑娘是她的新朋友。The girl in red is Lucy's new friend, Zara. Zara留着黑色的长发。Zara has got long black hair. 另一张照片,是Lucy和Zara在白金汉宫拍的照片。Here is another photo of Lucy and Zara. They were at Buckingham Palace. Lucy希望Amy尽快给她回信,跟她讲讲她在中国结交的新朋友的事情。Lucy wanted Amy to write to her soon and tell her about Amy's friends. (2)新课 (读课文) 讲解回信 1. Thank you for your letter. And Happy Birthday to you! 为某事感谢某人:thank sb for sth. 谢谢你的来信,thank you for your letter. 感谢你对我的帮助,你应该说:Thank you for your help. 感谢妈妈给你买新书,你应该说:Thank Mum for the new book 2. I'm ten now. I will be eleven next year. 我去年9岁。I was nine last year. 我现在10岁。I am 10 now. 我明年11岁。I will be eleven next year. 表达不同时间不同年龄的时候,使用了不同的be动词的形式。 去年,last year是过去时,用be的过去式,was 现在,now是现在是,用be的现在式,am 明年,next year是将来时,用be的将来式,will be 所以我们在表达的时候也要注意be的不同使用,我们来翻译一下 me:我去年20岁。 you:I was twenty last year. me:我明年18岁。 you:I will be 18 next year. me:爸爸去年36岁。 you:Dad was 36 last year. me:姥姥明年60岁。 you:My grandma will be 60 next year. 表达将来的年龄,要用到be动词的将来时,要用两个词,will+be,will be 3.Bejing isn't cold now. It's warm. Amy 北京现在不冷,很温暖。 her,她的, his,他的。 翻译:我有一个新朋友,他的名字叫大明。I've got a new friend. His name is Daming. 对人评价的词汇 好:nice 聪明:clever 淘气:naughty 安静:quiet 4. Here is a photo of Mengmeng and me. We were at the Great Wall. Amy也给Lucy寄了一张照片。是她和萌萌在长城的照片。 长城,the Great Wall 5.写信的格式:用DearXXX开头,用Love,XXX结尾。 好了,我们的课文就讲解到这里了,Now, I’ll translate and read each sentence, and you follow me. 下面我将翻译并读出课文,请在英文句子后的提示音后跟读,我们试着把课文背下来。 Now let's review the new words and expressions in the text. 下面我们来把课文中精妙的表达来复习一下。 1. 为某事感谢某人,thank sb. for sth. 感谢你的来信:Thank you for your letter. 感谢你的帮助:Thank you for your help. 2.使用be动词的将来式表达明年多大,I will be eleven next year. 好的,我们今天就讲到这里,That’s all for today. See you next time.