《鹊桥仙》-- 宋 · 秦观 (中英对译)

《鹊桥仙》-- 宋 · 秦观 (中英对译)

2021-02-01    01'40''

主播: R九

371 2

作者:宋 · 秦观 英译:阿九 朗读:阿九 —————————— 纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗渡。金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。 柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路。两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 英译: Gossamer clouds delicately woven, shooting stars relay this yearning; the Starry River is quietly bridged beyond the goddess’s sight.  When golden chill and pearly dew reunite at harvest-time, the affairs of the mundane pale beside their light. . Doused in tenderness like water, the reunion is as a dream; loath to break their gaze, they take leave of the magpies’ bridge. When the bond between two stands the test of an eon, must they be together day and night?