Mulan Introduction

Mulan Introduction

2017-12-30    02'59''

主播: Original🙆🌸

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北魏时期,北方游牧民族柔然族不断南下骚扰,北魏政权规定每家出一名男子上前线。但是木兰的父亲年事已高又体弱多病,无法上战场,家中弟弟年龄尚幼,所以,木兰决定替父从军,从此开始了她长达十几年的军旅生活。去边关打仗,对于很多男子来说都是艰苦的事情,而木兰既要隐瞒身份,又要与伙伴们一起杀敌,这就比一般从军的人更加艰难!可喜的是花木兰最终还是完成了自己的使命,在数十年后凯旋回家。皇帝因为她的功劳之大,赦免其欺君之罪,同时认为她有能力在朝廷效力,任得一官半职.然而,花木兰因家有老父需要照顾拒绝了,请求皇帝能让自己返乡,去补偿和孝敬父母。 Good evening, boys and girls. I am so happy to see you this evening. Tonight, we are going to watch the famous movie Mulan. Let me start with a short-introduction of this movie. During the northern Wei Dynasty, Rouran, a certain race of the nomads of the north began attacking China ceaselessly. The Empire ordered that one man from every family should join the army. However, Mulan’s father is advanced in his age and he is weak in his health, making him unsuitable for the war, and Mulan’s little brother is still too young. Therefore, Mulan decided to take his father’s place. Since then, Mulan began a military journey which lasted longer than a decade. Fighting in a war at the national border is a tough task for man, let alone how difficult it will be for a woman. While Mulan not only has to conceal her identity, but also must fight against the enemy together with other soldiers. This made it even more tough for her. Fortunately, Mulan accomplished her mission and returned after decades. Considering her great contribution to the victory of the war and her capabilities, the emperor not only forgave her for breaching the law, but also entrusted her with an official position in the imperial court. However, Mulan kindly refused the Emperor and requested to return home to take care of her parents who are advanced in their ages.