

2017-02-13    12'27''

主播: 粗只的大叶

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这是我今年推出的新的分享方式-情·书。这个板块的文章来自the Boston Globe的专栏记者Meredith Goldstein运营的网站loveletters.boston.com。网站上的文章都是读者给Meredith发来的信件,询问一些我们平时都可能遇到的情感问题,网友会在上面评论留言,Meredith也会给出自己的建议,给许多困惑中的读者带来帮助。 而在我看来,这些文章都是相当棒的英语阅读材料,文字浅显易懂又贴近生活,也会有许多地道的用语表达,同时也提供了很好的讨论的素材。我会将文字贴出,朗读,并且稍作解释,大家看完之后,也欢迎给我留言。如果大家喜欢,我会建立微信群,大家可以在群里朗读其中的段落,互相学习,也可以分享自己的见解,一起学习,共同进步,如果时机成熟,我会在温州进行不定期的英语角,一起线下活动。 在这里,特别感谢Meredith Goldstein同意我使用她的资源,我也推荐有能力的同学可以自己直接浏览该网站https://loveletters.boston.com/?p1=ll_home。附上Meredith的美照一张~ 现在,开始今天的第一篇分享,Should I ask him out for lunch? (https://loveletters.boston.com/2017/02/should-i-ask-him-out-for-lunch.html),作者的回复会在后天发出,今天先看读者的来信~ Dear Meredith, I have a huge crush on a resident doctor in our hospital. I am a research assistant, and we would occasionally bump into each other in the building. There has been no formal conversation like, "Hi! My name is ... " After three months of having a crush on him, I decided to add him on Facebook. He accepted my friend request in an hour (so maybe he did know me somehow). After being a social network friend, we would exchange a hello whenever we would see each other, but nothing more. On his birthday, I decided to give him a cup of coffee and to tell him, ”Happy birthday!" He accepted it with a huge smile. It has been a month since the birthday coffee. I know that he is a shy type of guy and is quite reserved. He also probably knows I have a crush on him (unless he is oblivious). My question is: Should I ask him out for lunch? I know this might scare him away, yet I am really curious about him and would love to know if there is a possibility between us. Sadly, we don&`&t have mutual friends who could help me set up a nice gathering for us. I would really love some advice on this – so that I can get rid of unnecessary feelings for him if it&`&s not going to work out. Thank you so much! – Hi, my name is ... 欢迎关注我的微信公众平台:叶希聪~期待我的粉丝们的留言,发表自己的见解,英语或者中文,都可以,或许你也能拿着这个问题,试探试探你考察的对象呢。畅所欲言吧~