【绝望的主妇】 “你喜欢的人这么抢手,早点行动呀!”

【绝望的主妇】 “你喜欢的人这么抢手,早点行动呀!”

2018-11-19    03'55''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

4808 29

【句子】He’s quite a catch, isn’t he? 【Desperate Housewives S1E4】 【发音】[hi:z] [kwaɪt] [ə] [kætʃ] [ˈɪzənt] [hi:] 【发音技巧】quite a连读; 【翻译】他挺抢手的,是不? 【适用场合】 以前出现过好几次的表达:有件事情我要坦白 I have a confession to make. catch n. 抢手货 a person who is considered to be very suitable for a relationship eg: A penniless writer's not exactly a good catch, is he? 一个穷光蛋作家,可真不是女生们找老公的热门之选,不是吗? You’ve been so desperate to land him. 你拼了命地想把他搞到手。 land v. 着陆/得到(别人梦寐以求的某事); to succeed in getting a job, etc., especially one that a lot of other people want eg: He's just landed a senior editorial job with a men's magazine. 他刚拿到一个男性杂志高级编辑的工作机会。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 At age 19 she landed a small role in a Broadway play.