【绝望的主妇】 “你的秘密,我可难保不说出去…”

【绝望的主妇】 “你的秘密,我可难保不说出去…”

2018-11-20    03'45''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

4922 35

【句子】Your secret is not an easy burden to bear. 【Desperate Housewives S1E4】 【发音】[jɔ:(r)] ['si:krɪt] [ɪz] [nɒt] [æn] ['i:zi] [bɜ:(r)dn] [tʊ] [beə(r)] 【发音技巧】burden当中长元音[ɜ:]; 【翻译】你的秘密可不是个容易承受的负担。你那秘密,我可难保不说出去… 【适用场合】 burden n. 负担; a heavy load that you carry/something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about eg: The little donkey struggled under its heavy burden. 小驴子不堪重负。 to bear/carry the burden 承担负担; to ease/reduce/share the burden 减轻负担;分担负担 eg: The main burden of caring for old people falls on the state. 照顾老年人的主要责任落到了政府的肩上。 Your secret is safe with me. 我会保守你的秘密。 This is just between you and me. 就在咱们俩之间。我会保守你的秘密。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 当我老的时候,我不想成为孩子们的负担。