

2022-11-08    06'56''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

264 1

【句子】And we’ll just push dinner back by a bit. 【Modern Family S03E10】 【发音】/ənd/ /wiːl/ /dʒʌst/ /pʊʃ/ /ˈdɪn.ə(r)/ /bæk/ /baɪ/ /ə/ /bɪt/ 【发音技巧】And we’ll 不完全爆破;just push失去爆破;by a连读; 【翻译】我们把晚餐的时间稍微推迟一点就好。 【适用场合】 今天学一下这个短语:push sth. back 这个短语可以用来表示: to make the time or date of a meeting, etc. later than originally planned 或者to arrange a later time for sth. “推迟;延后;安排一个更晚一些的时间”; eg: The start of the game was pushed back from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 比赛开始的时间由下午2点推迟到了下午4点。 eg: Can I push our meeting back to May 27th? 我能把我们的会面推迟到5月27日吗? eg: We should push back the deadline so that we have more time to work on the project. 我们应该推迟截止日期,这样的话我们就有更多的时间做项目了。 eg: They pushed the meeting back to Thursday because two of the managers were sick. 他们把会议推迟到了周四,因为有两个经理生病了。 eg: We've pushed this product back too much already—I want it out and in people's hands by the first of May, come hell or high water! 这个产品的发布,我们已经拖了太久了,我想让它五月一日就出现在人们的手中,哪怕天塌下来呢! 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 They decided to push back the release date of their war film as a sign of respect to the victims of the attack.