

2019-12-04    05'45''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1899 14

李晓曼旅游板块电子文稿 稻城亚丁:从你的全世界路过 Hello,everyone.This is Compus Radio Service.I am clover. 在电影《从你的全世界路过》中有这样一段台词:我偷偷的告诉你,有一个地方叫做稻城,我要和我最爱的人一起去到那里,看湛蓝的天空,看白色的雪山,看金黄的草地,看一场秋天的童话。下面,就让我们一起走进稻城,走进这"水蓝色星球上的最后一片净土"吧。 The Daocheng Yading Scenic Area is located in Shangri-la Town,Sichuan Province.It is mainly composed by "Xiannairi ,yangmaiyong ,shanodoji"three divine mountains and the surrounding rivers,lakes and alpine meadows.Its landscape maintains the purity of near extinction on the earth because of its unique landform and natural scenery of original ecology. In the scenic area, there are not only magnificeseas.nt and sacred snow mountains,but also vast meadows,colorful forests and blue and transparent seas.Almost all the beautiful things in the snow plateau are gathered here and all these things make people linger and forget to return. 有人说,人这一生必须要去看四样风景,大海的深沉,雪山的巍峨,草原的辽阔,沙漠的无边。稻城亚丁—一生之中至少要去一次的圣地,有你想象中的一切,也有你想象之外的一切。 从惟妙惟肖的兔儿山,到圣洁的稻城白塔,从清澈的牛奶海,到苍凉粗犷壮美的海子,无一不洗涤着污秽,充满着神秘色彩。 Daocheng is a very romantic place.The word"yading" in Tibetan is called "the place facing the sun ",which means beauty and sunny.If you want to travel with someone you love ,Daocheng is a unique place. When the light of the setting sun is sprinkled on the sacred mountain,the color of the sacred mountain slowly changes from white to golden .At the moment,you will be deeply shocked by an amazing sight.At the moment,you will understand the meaning of your life. When you trudge through mountains and rivers and finally walked by the milk sea,when you see the water like sapphire,surrounded by pure milky ice ,you will realize the precious beauty of this moment. ] 书中说,我希望有一个如你一般的人,如山间清爽的风,如古城温暖的光,从清晨到夜晚,从山野到书房,只要最后那个人是你,就好。 素色如锦,岁月静好。带一卷书,走万里路,伴三两人,选一处清净地,看云,听鸟,倦了时,和身在青草绵绵处寻梦去。就像歌词里那样,我们终将会牵手旅行,凤凰稻城或是巴黎。在稻城,你可以忘了时间,肆意沉醉于这片美好。遇见稻城,遇见更好的你。 今天的分享到这里就结束了 我是Clover.