Bring home the bacon = 把培根带回家?到底什么意思?

Bring home the bacon = 把培根带回家?到底什么意思?

2018-08-06    06'37''

主播: 意趣英语

9211 48

微信 yiquenglish 意趣英语 微博 @意趣英语 情景对话: Did you get enough pancakes, sweetie? 你的煎薄饼够吗,亲爱的? 知识点讲解: 1、Pancake(因为意外、事故)被弄扁 早餐中 pancake = 煎薄饼 【例句一】 The car was pancaked in the accident, but thankfully no one was seriously injured. 那辆车在事故中被撞扁了,但是幸好没人严重受伤。 【例句二】 Be careful with that box. I don't want you to pancake all the things inside. 拿那个盒子的时候要小心,我可不想让你把里面的东西压扁了。 2、Bring home the bacon 挣钱养家 Bacon 就是“培根”,大家都吃过~ 【例句一】 A: Why do you work so much? 你为什么工作这么多呀? B: Well someone has to bring home the bacon. 总有人要挣钱养家啊。 【例句二】 My wife is the manager of her store so she's the one who brings home the bacon in our house. 我老婆是她那家店的经理,所以在我们家她是挣钱养家的那一位。 3、Sausage fest 只有男生,或大多数成员都是男生的派对 Sausage 就是“香肠”的意思 【例句一】 Dude, this place is a sausage fest. Let's go check out another bar. 老兄,这个地方全是男生,我们去找另外一家酒吧吧。 【例句二】 This party is a sausage fest. Where are all the girls at? 这个派对全都是男的,女生都哪去了? 4、Toast adj. 损坏了;完蛋了;处于糟糕的处境 Toast 名词翻译成“土司” 【例句一】 Sandy spilled pop all over my keyboard. It's toast. I'll need to get a new one. Sandy把他的汽水都撒到我的键盘上了,键盘坏了,我需要再买一个新的。 【例句二】 I can't believe you ditched your girlfriend on her birthday. You're toast. 真不敢相信你在你女朋友生日的时候把她扔下了。你完蛋了。 5、Put all one's eggs in one basket 把宝都押在一个地方;孤注一掷 Egg 大家都认识,就是“鸡蛋” 【例句】 A: I'm gonna invest all my money in clean energy. 我要把所有钱都投资到清洁能源上。 B: You don't want to put all your eggs in one basket. If the industry fails, you'll be broke. 你不能把宝都压在一个地方。如果这个行业失败了,你就破产了。 6、You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. 想取得成功不可能一帆风顺/不得不做一些令人不快的事。 Omelet 是常见早餐“煎蛋饼” 【例句】 Some people will lose their jobs after the merger, but it will be better for the company in the long run. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. 公司合并之后会有一些人失业,但这对公司的长久发展有利。你不得不做一些令人不快的事情。 微信 yiquenglish 意趣英语 微博 @意趣英语