

2017-05-21    19'15''

主播: 老外私塾

119 15

老外私塾- 学英语,聊文化,走遍全世界 日常|工作|面试|少儿|留学|口语 了解更多内容请关注微信公众号:老外私塾 为什么美国人很少去医院呢? Adam第一次去中国医院有什么感受呢?他对中国医院和美国医院的就医体验有什么不同感想呢? 中国医疗PK美国医疗,到底孰胜孰负呢? 欢迎大家收听本期的音频节目! 美国生病找医生,中国生病找医院 Family doctor:家庭医生 Make an appointment:预约时间 Every doctor has his own office, and outside of hospital. 每个医生都有自己独立的办公室,在医院外面。 “When I grew up, I didn’t go to doctor very often, maybe once a year." "我(Adam)长大的时候,我并不经常去看医生,可能一年一次吧。" Go to hospital:去医院 “special care” appointment ticket:专家号 “regular care” appointment ticket:普通挂号 Most patients in China can just walk into a hospital and pay for either a “special care” appointment ticket or a “regular care” appointment ticket. 在中国大部分病人可以直接进入医院,挂一个专家号或者普通号。 看诊效率:中国胜 Less efficient:效率低(美国) In USA, it takes three months to get a gastroscopy; in China, it would take less than two days. 在美国,做一个胃镜要用三个月;在中国,只需要不到两天。 Fast and easy:快捷和简单(中国) Treatment: 治疗 For small problems such as the common cold, the average waiting time to get an appointment ticket is only a few minutes. 对于小的毛病比如感冒,平均的等待挂号的时间是几分钟。 For more complex treatments, the waiting time for a ticket can stretch as long as two weeks. 对于更加复杂的治疗,挂号等待时间为两周左右。 科研技术:美国胜 high-skilled doctors:技术高超的医生 advanced medical equipment:现金的医疗设备 good environment:好的环境 人文关怀:美国胜 In the US, hospitals or doctors they can’t refuse treatment. 在美国,医院或者医生不能拒绝治疗。 Violence between patients and doctors:医患紧张 In China, the relationship between patients and doctors can turn violent when families of patients feel that they have been mistreated or neglected. 在中国,如果病人的家人觉得他们被误诊或者忽视了,病人和医生之间的关系会演变成暴力。 医疗费用:中国胜 Insurance coverage:保险范围 You don’t know how much it will cost until they send you the bill. 你不知道会花费多少钱直到收到医院的账单。 In the U.S., most insurance carriers are commercial and the private market can get so complex that it causes confusion. 在美国,大部分保险范围混合了商业和私人市场会变得很复杂乃至导致困惑。 It’s expensive to be sick in America. 在美国生病会很贵。 “When I first came to the U.S. in 2012, I remember having a terrible cold. I got scared because nobody could look after me at that time. So I called 911 and an ambulance drove me to a hospital in Brooklyn.” "2012年的时候我第一次来到美国,我记得我感冒很严重,我有些害怕因为那个时候没人可以照顾我。所以我打了911,一个救护车载我去了布鲁克林的一个医院。" “Later, I received a $20,000 bill. Fortunately, I was covered by a student insurance plan at the time, but even so, I had to pay $2,000 out of pocket." “过后,我收到一张20000美金的账单,幸运的是,那个时候我有学生保险,但是即使是这样,我还是得自己支付2000美金。” In China, as in the US, medical expenses are a leading cause of bankruptcy. 在中国,和在美国一样,医疗费用会导致破产。 中国看病还是美国看病? Affordable:支付起的 Basic healthcare in China is affordable when compared with the options in the U.S. 与美国相比,在中国基础治疗普通人是可以支付起的。 If you have the money, healthcare in the U.S. is truly excellent, but if you’re not loaded, you’re better off in China. 如果你有钱,美国的医疗无疑是优秀的,但是如果你的资金不充裕,你最好还是回到中国来。 你们有在美国看病的经历吗? 欢迎给我们留言分享你们的故事。