

2016-05-11    16'43''

主播: 慢书匠

93 3

Would Captain America cope in Lagos? 拉各斯(lagos)是尼日利亚旧都和最大港市 As the new Captain America film made an eye-watering $181.8 million in the North American box office this weekend, it was also causing digital waves across the Atlantic in Africa. eye-watering: an eye-watering amount is extremely high or large, and much higher or larger than you would expect e.g. The costs are eye-watering. digital: 数字的 adj. Atlantic: |ətˈlæntɪk| 大西洋 n. One of the movie's opening scenes is set in a market in the Nigerian capital Lagos, and even though it was reportedly filmed on a set in Atlanta in the US, it inspired Nigerian tweeters to generate the #CaptainAmericaInNigeria hashtag. Nigerian: |naɪˈdʒɪərɪən| 尼日利亚的 Atlanta [ætˈlæntə]:亚特兰大 inspire: |ɪnˈspaɪə(r)| v. 启发/激起/激励 generate:|ˈdʒenəreɪt| v.产生;生成 hashtag: 井号(#)标签 Nigerians used the hashtag to theorise how the American superhero, whose origins date back to World War II, would fare with issues facing their country. Many of the tweets were also tongue-in-cheek comments about issues facing the West African country. These ranged from recent fuel shortages to the problem of corruption. theorise: |ˈθɪəraɪz| 从理论上说明 origins: |ˈɒrɪdʒɪns| 出身, noble origins fare: v. 进行,进展 facing: 面对着...的 There are too many temptations facing young people today. tongue-in-cheek: 不当真的,半开玩笑的 corruption: |kəˈrʌpʃn| n. 腐败, Even though Captain America has previously saved the world from the Red Skull and the Hydra many Nigerians were not confident about his ability to adapt to downtown Lagos. "Some one would have stolen his shield and sold it to Blacksmiths," one Tweeter wrote. Others thought the US super hero would have problems with the climate. Red Skull: 红骷髅 Hydra: 蝰蛇, 九头蛇的领导者 adapt: v. 适应 Blacksmiths:铁匠 Captain America: Civil War, the latest offering from Walt Disney Marvel Studios, is the third instalment of the series. Characters from the entire Marvel universe, including Iron Man, Black Widow and Hawkeye, are featured. But some Nigerians felt that even with some super assistance, Captain America would not prevail in Nigeria. instalment : |ɪnˈstɔːlmənt| n. 一集 universe:领域 feature: v. 由…主演 prevail: |prɪˈveɪl| v. 获胜,占优势