No. 20 每天两分钟,轻松学会最接地气的1000句英式英语英语

No. 20 每天两分钟,轻松学会最接地气的1000句英式英语英语

2016-05-26    02'31''

主播: 王君老师英式英语

1524 118

Gemini - The Twins May 21 - June 20 Flexibility, balance and adaptability are the keywords for the Gemini. 灵活,平衡,适应性强是形容双子座的关键词 They are quick to grasp the meaning of a situation and act on it, often with positive effects. 他们会很快理解不同情况的深刻含义并付诸行动,通常都会有很积极的效果 They can sometimes be tough to predict how they will react. 在很多情况下很难判断他们对事物的反应 They can turn from hot to cold very quickly. 他们会从很热极速变得很冷 However, they are generous signs with tendencies of being affectionate, and imaginative. 但是,他们很具有包容性,并且富有丰富的想象和情感 They also inspire others easily as they seem to naturally motivate themselves - their charisma and accomplishments are infectious. 他们通常会有一种自我激励的本领,具有非凡的领导力和成就,并且可以把这种激励带给别人 Geminians are very supportive, and are especially good at promotions, sales, and giving speeches. 双子座非常乐于助人,容易晋升,并很善于言辞