跨进门槛 Get on the ladder

跨进门槛 Get on the ladder

2017-12-13    06'49''

主播: 雨霓🐌

15 0

大家好,我是雨霓。今天我们来学习的短语是“get on the ladder”跨进...的门槛。“To get a foot on the ladder 一只脚踏上梯子”是一个和职业有关的英语表达,指的是“找到进入某公司、组织或行业中的第一份工作”,就好比我们在汉语里常说的“迈进某个行业的门槛”。这里的ladder指的是career ladder/corporate ladder,表示公司里一系列的工作,或更广泛的职业生涯中一系列递进的工作。 a series of increasingly important jobs that someone can do within a company: move up/climb the corporate ladder the top/bottom of the corporate ladder 除了表示职业,另一种ladder是the property ladder购房阶梯。​ a series of stages in owning houses in which you buy a small house or apartment first and then buy a bigger or more expensive house when you have enough money: 例句: House prices are so high now it is hard for first-time buyers to get on the property ladder (= buy their first house).房价如今高居不下,使得首次买房者越来越难踏上购房阶梯。 Tim's uncle gave him an internship at his company to help him get a foot on the ladder. 蒂姆的叔叔给蒂姆在自己的公司里找了一个实习机会,从而帮他跨入职业生涯的门槛。 Don't be afraid to start at the bottom. Once you get your foot on the ladder you'll progress easily. 不要害怕从最底层开始工作。一旦你跨进了门槛,很快就会在职业生涯中取得进步的。 I went to lots of networking events when I started out in sales, it helped me get a foot on the ladder. 刚开始做销售的时候,我参加了很多扩展人脉的商业交流活动,这帮我迈出了职业生涯的第一步。