274期:新世相搅黄了知识付费?- Chinese Style Webinar

274期:新世相搅黄了知识付费?- Chinese Style Webinar

2018-03-28    10'40''

主播: i大狗熊

331 53

前几天很多人的微信朋友圈都被新世相的活动刷屏。这个在发布当天就被微信以“传销”定性并删除的活动,也引发了对于知识付费的讨论。这期在上班路上录制的节目里,我将和你聊一聊为什么都是创始人分享经验,罗永浩的得到专栏就好评不断,连退出都收到赞,但新世相却负评不断?都是知识付费的分销,为什么小鹅通,网易搞就还好,三联中读也口碑很不错,就新世相一碰就成了传销?另外,我们应该如何面对知识付费呢? Xinshixiang (新世相), an account known for its reviews of movies and TV shows, launched a webinar of sharing the founder's tips on WeChat and received a lot of negative comments. Their compaign was banned by WeChat on the day they released it. Why? And what we can learn from it?